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Subject: OASIS BCM Technical Committee - Meeting via Teleconference Call, 4-August-2003

NOTE:  The following will be posted to Kavi once site back online.



OASIS BCM Technical Committee

Meeting via Teleconference Call, 4-August-2003


Bruce Peat called the meeting to order at 13:00pm EST, and opened the meeting with roll-call, which began with the following participants.



Bruce Peat, eProcess Solutions (Co-Chair)

David RR Webber, consultant (Secretary)

Eric Okin, DFAS

Carl Mattocks, Checkmi.

Hans Aanesen, Individual

Sally St. Amand, Individual

Laila Moretto, MITRE

Dan Pattyn, Individual


Minutes of prior meeting

Prior meeting minutes, accepted.


Note: TC will expect members to have read the minutes for the prior meeting in advance of the meeting. Unless specifically motioned for, the minutes for the prior meeting will not be read aloud during the meeting.  Minutes will be posted to the OASIS team resource area.


Meeting Agenda

Bruce Peat referred us to the agenda for the meeting, and also noted that Hans’ presentation materials had been posted to OASIS team resource area - Kavi on EPR.


Liaison Sub-committee

Laila reported back on the mechanics of setting up a Liaison sub-committee to officially interface with other OASIS TCs.  General discussion followed, and everyone agreed to setup the sub-committee and ask for members to participate.  So far we have the following liaisons points of contact:


BPEL – David Webber and Sally St Amand

CAM – David Webber

eGov  - David Webber and John Weiler

ebXML Registry -  Carl Mattocks


Bruce will forward this request to OASIS admin (Karl Best) to request configuring of Kavi for the SC.


One role of sub-committee members is to cross-post to their liaison groups any significant developments and new document links here in BCM.  Another is to raise awareness of BCM and point out appropriate uses within the other OASIS groups.


Charter and Specification discussion

Our new charter has been posted.  Sally pointed out that charter has old schedule in it for deliverables.  Bruce will work to get that fixed with OASIS admin (Karl Best).


Continuing work on Draft Specification

Bruce reported that Charlie Clark is taking up the role as editor of the specification to help develop the first draft.  He and Bruce will be working closely on this together.  Please post comments to our list to help guide the editing team.


Linking and Switching Sub-committee

Bruce noted that David Webber has been working on this area for Appendix B of the draft specification.  David reported that the first draft on this would be available this week and posted to the OASIS team resource area.  Bruce pointed out the need to have a sub-committee working on this, and how this fits into the overall work schedule.  The goal is to invite participation on the technical development of Linking and Switching, and to promote technical validation pilots with other OASIS groups such as BPEL, CAM, ebMS, CPPA and more.  The sub-committee will give us the ability to engage those technical folks and develop the XML formats and details.  Request to form the sub-committee was agreed by the members.  Bruce will forward this request to OASIS admin (Karl Best) to request configuring of Kavi for the SC.


OASIS team resource area & temporarily at http://www.dfas.info until Kavi is back online:



Also an introduction presentation can be found at:




EPR presentation from Hans

Hans discussed both his paper and the slides showing the prototype being built for EPR in Norway.  Hans started fielding questions and stepped thru the concepts of how they configured the portal, user profiles and the different configurations.  A long discussion on the role and function of steering cards followed with Hans describing details.  Hans also mentioned conference in Norway on eGov in October and asked that we look at ways to present on BCM there.  Hans will forward the conference notes to the group.  Members congratulated Hans on the excellence and relevance of the materials presented.


Closing Notes and Announcements

Bruce noted our next meeting in two weeks time and asked for items for the agenda.  And further summarized his and other member’s action items for the next meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 14:00 EST.


Next Meeting:  August 18th  1 pm - presentation: Appendix B: Linking and Switching, David Webber



Minutes respectfully submitted,  David RR Webber


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