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Subject: EPR eDevice Schema Elements

Good Folk:

Before our next meeting I would like to get your comments on the following as possible (normative) Schema elements for an EPR e-Device http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/39080/EPR%20eDevice%20Standard.pdf

[eDevice identifier]
based on ANSI/CEA-721/844

[identity credential]
OASIS Trust Elevation TC works to define a set of standardized protocols that service providers may use to elevate the trust in an electronic identity credential presented to them for authentication.

[personal identity]
OASIS Cross-Enterprise Security and Privacy Authorization (XSPA) Technical Committee will specify healthcare profiles of existing OASIS standards to support reliable, auditable methods of confirming personal identity, official authorization status, and role attributes. This work aligns with security specifications being developed within the U.S. Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP)

[UMDNS identifier]
Incorporate Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System identifiers
UMDNS consists of a unique five-digit universal medical device code (UMDC) number followed by a plain-language description in English or various other languages. .. to establish document files and computer-based data retrieval systems and to index articles, publications of hazards, recall reports, regulatory data sets, etc. UMDNS names are also used as the primary term for more detailed product classifications.

Carl Mattocks

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 4:09 PM, EPR: Hans A. Kielland Aanesen <hans@eprforum.no> wrote:

25. April 2012 OASIS BCM TC meeting report

1. Revitalization of the OASIS BCM TC
2. Election of Chair and secretary
3. Relation to OASIS eGov MS and EPR-forum
3. Further progress

Carl Mattocks
Geir Lahnstein
Hans Aanesen
David Webber ( not present, but involved by individual discussions)

1. Revitalization of the OASIS BCM TC
The OASIS Templating work has so far been mostly focused on the OASIS CAM TC work regarding promoting CAM tools and the CAMV-editor.
The OASIS BCM TC committee members has also heavily been involved in the  OASIS TGF TC, and EPR-forum work dealing with the new eGov 2.0 by the eGov transformation to a more service and citizen centric approach. Now time has come to organizing the templating work into reusable Templates.
EPR-forum ( as a social entrepreneurship ) has started a process to make two types and related Templates in the Health Care public sector in Norway:
  • EPR-eFolder Templates handling Citizen centric Service management
  • EPR-eDevice Templates handling Condition monitoring management

These further Templating specification work should be part of the OASIS BCM TC work and its Sub committees

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