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Subject: AW: [bpel4people-editors] Status of SVN content - Preparation for Submission of CD-02

Happy New Year!


>Good work folks – and a great start to 2009. I’ll be sending mail to the TC next informing them and requesting approval for CD-02 and BP-16 at the FTF.

Luc, thanks for putting CD-02 together.


I assume there will be no editors call today. Right?


Ivana Trickovic
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Von: Luc Clement [mailto:luc.clement@activevos.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2009 02:48
An: bpel4people-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Betreff: [bpel4people-editors] Status of SVN content - Preparation for Submission of CD-02



In preparation for the submission of CD-02 I have:


a.       Created a snapshot  as /Specifications/Snapshots/rev88.zip of all updates incorporated in CD-02 (before accepting all MSWord revisions)

b.       Created /Specification/cd-02/cd-02.zip that incorporates:


Commit of CD-02 - MSWord (all revs accepted), Marked up PDF, and all XML.


This set to be submitted to the TC on 9 Jan 09 to:

1) approve as resolved our BP-16 proposal

2) approve CD-02 incorporating all of our updates since CD-01


CD-02 incorporates the following issues: 2, 6, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 25, 35, 40, 43, 46


c.       I have accepted all revisions to the b4p and ht specs and checked these in. The SVN revision is now 93 and represents the baseline for CD-02 and future work.


Per our agreement, no work on these specs will be carried out until we get approval by the TC of 1) our BP-16 proposal and 2) the set of issues (see above) we’ve applied since CD-01.


The next set of updates include those identified at http://www.osoa.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&pid=10060&status=5. Dieter has 100% of these on his plate. Dieter – let us know if you’d like to divide these up to spread the load.


Please sync up with SVN.


Good work folks – and a great start to 2009. I’ll be sending mail to the TC next informing them and requesting approval for CD-02 and BP-16 at the FTF.




Luc Clément

Active Endpoints, Inc

+1.978.793.2162  | luc.clement@activevos.com




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