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bt-models message

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Subject: BT models in London - time and dial-in

Having spoken to Mark Little (who is in meetings today), he's asked us to
send the following logistic and other details:

Meeting time:

In light of people's (known) travel plans and so the US West Coast can get
some sleep, we have organised the times for the meeting to be:

Meeting starts at 12:00 noon uk time
Break for lunch (provided) at 13:45 - 14:30 (1:45 - 2:30 pm)
Meeting closes no later than 18:00 (6 pm)

uk time is now GMT + 1

If (as I believe) North America shifted to daylight saving last weekend,
this will be

 7 - 8:45, 9:30 - 1pm eastern,
 4 - 5:45, 6:30 - 10, pacific.
(with variations for Arizona (?), and some counties in Indiana)


The two conference calls are booked for tomorrow, details as follows:

First Session

	Time:	12pm - 1.45pm
	Ref:	A 2145959
	Dial In:	+44 (0) 1296 480 180
	Pin:	869483#

Second Session

	Time:	2pm - 6pm
	Ref:	A 2145966
	Dial In:	+44 (0) 1296 480 180
	Pin:	291212#

(British Telecom have Alastair Green as the organiser of the call)


Items to be discussed:

0. Charter, timetable and deliverables of sub-committee
1. Requirements
2. Models to be supported
3. What kind of spec (interconnect, API etc)
4. Terminology/definitions
5. Protocol ideas/applicability of other work (e.g. OMG/JCP Activity


BEA, Choreology, HP submissions and comments thereon
"Four levels" discussion from last night's conf. call (summarized by
Peter Furniss on main list)


Minutes that show

a) areas of consensus
b) areas of continuing debate/more inputs needed
c) new issues raised
d) references to other sub-groups.


Peter Furniss
Choreology Ltd

email:  peter.furniss@choreology.com
phone:  +44 20 7670 1679
direct: +44 20 7670 1783
13 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2JX

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