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Subject: conference call

At the face-to-face on the 3rd it was agreed that we would have another conference call for our subcommittee, and that HP would host it. The detail for conference call is as follows:
Date:     Monday 9 April 2001
Time:     5.00 pm to 7.00 pm (UK time)
Chair:    Mark Little
Dial In:  (UK)  0208 839 4710
          (Overseas)  +44 208 839 4710
Pin:      153939#
(In case of difficulty the reference for this call is : A2182960.)
All the best,
Dr. Mark Little (mark@arjuna.com)
Transactions Architect, HP Arjuna Labs
Phone +44 191 2064538
Fax   +44 191 2064203

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