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Subject: Sanjay's simplification


I believe that you are right (from last night's call). Your proposed
simplification, namely to remove the ability to change a participant's vote if a
second or successive PREPARE is delivered, would work just fine. The more
"refined" negotiating behaviour is possible using a proprietary qualifier if an
implementer wished to offer it. This fixed vote approach would also block
changes in vote from spontaneous to solicited. Every PREPARE would simply cause
a replay in the case of a prior spontaneous vote.

Peter then observes that we could move to having CANCELLED, READY and RESIGN as
the three utterances of a participant, which means that READY can be qualified
for timeouts etc, that there is no bi-valued VOTE message, and that we end up
with even more simplification.

If second scrutiny doesn't uncover any nasty flaws with this scheme, I'm all for


n:Green;Alastair J.
tel;cell:+44 795-841 2107
tel;fax:+44 207-670 1785
tel;work:+44 207-670 1780
org:Choreology Ltd
adr:;;13 Austin Friars;London;;EC2N 2JX;England
title:Managing Director
fn:Alastair J. Green

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