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Subject: RE: [bt-spec] Call for email vote: BT TC issue 1

I too vote YES on all the issues under ballot.

Regarding, issue 1:

I agree with Peter that because the sentence isn't normative, precision is
less important. "URI" is not incorrect, but given that it is clearly an
address, "URL" is more precise. The concern one might have with stating
"URI" is that we would permit an identify that cannot be dereferenced. But
notice that giving a URI that cannot be dereferences is no worse in
practical terms than a URL whose scheme is unsupported.

In the context of URIs and URLs, the correct term for what "http" is is
"scheme", so the wording should be something like "a URL of the http
scheme". The relevant references are RFC2396 and section 3.2 of RFC2616


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Furniss
To: zpope@pobox.com; Bt-Spec
Sent: 12/10/2001 11:55 AM
Subject: RE: [bt-spec] Call for email vote: BT TC issue 1

I am voting YES on all the issues currently under ballot:
  1, 5, 12, 14, 20, 33, 46, 51, 54, 55, 58

on issue 1, there has been some offline discussion (partly on instant
messaging) about whether it should say URL or URI in :

>   Binding address format: This section status the format of the
>   "binding address" field of a BTP address for this binding. For
>   many bindings, this will be a URL of some kind; for other bindings
>   it may be some other form.

since the sentence is an explanation (not really normative), and a URL
is a
location specification, involving any protcol/scheme, URL is probably
better, but I'd be content with URI.

> in SOAP Binding, add paragraph
>   Binding address format: shall be a URL, of type HTTP.

that should probably say ".. a URL of the http scheme". (and give

(that would seem to be an editorial change)


Peter Furniss
Technical Director, Choreology Ltd
web: http://www.choreology.com
email:  peter.furniss@choreology.com
phone:  +44 20 7670 1679
direct: +44 20 7670 1783
mobile: 07951 536168
13 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2JX

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