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Subject: [cam] Thursday 27th, 1PM EST - Teleconference call.


I'd like to setup a call for Thursday, 27th,

at 1pm EST.

The dial-in information is:

Toll-free:      888.809.4060
International: 416.640.4861
Access #  849685


It's been a while since we've scheduled a call.

Provisional agenda is:

1) Feedback on revision 0.11 draft spec'

2) Liaison with other TCs

3) Developing sample templates.

4) Any other business.

I've had three people so far send me excellent
notes and errata on 0.11 - I'm planning to summarize those
and send out amendment notes over the weekend,
so we can discuss producing a revision 0.12 on
Thursday.   This will also help everyone reviewing
the current draft - review that errata list - and then
add other items we've not got covered already.

Thanks, DW.

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