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Subject: RE: [cam] Overlap between OASIS CAM templates and BTRI NIEM / IEPD


I think I'm unravelling the knot here.

This PPT gives key insights into their existing process:


I see now what they are missing that CAM provides - real runtime validation (beyond simplistic xsd structure layout stuff) - all they are building is the documentation and models.

So - trick would be to tweak their JIEM Eclipse editor tool so it actually writes the CAM template XML - should not be hard as it already writes the XSD.   This would allow them to do real rules - and structure use patterns - not just content level - and of course share those CAM templates as implementation conformance tests, print human readable documentation from jCAM Eclipse editor and so on.

What they appear to have right now - subscribes to the right notions but is not really delivering the full value and potential - yet!


"The way to be is to do" - Confucius (551-472 B.C.)

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [cam] Overlap between OASIS CAM templates and BTRI NIEM / IEPD
> From: "David RR Webber (XML)" <david@drrw.info>
> Date: Tue, January 15, 2008 3:17 pm
> To: cam@lists.oasis-open.org
> Just FYI - 
> http://niem.gtri.gatech.edu/niemtools/resources/docs/NIEM_IEPD_Reqs_v2-1.doc
> Seems like CAM templates are a perfect match for NIEM / IEPD requirements,
> DW
> ======================
> 2.3	Enhance IEPD consistency and readability community wide
> An IEPD must be human readable as well as machine readable so that it can be parsed easily for automatic processing tasks such as registration, content assembly/disassembly, search and navigation, etc.  The IEPD specification must provide a consistent format for identifying and defining each artifact contained in an IEPD.  Furthermore, an IEPD may have mandatory, conditionally mandatory, or optional artifacts to support various business contexts for which it was designed.
> 2.4	Facilitate IEPD interoperability and portability
> To maximize IEPD utility, the IEPD specification must enhance sharing and reuse.  An IEPD must be portable, self-contained, and self-documented.  It must contain its own documentation to explain specifically how it is to be used, and its own metadata to enable it to be easily registered anywhere.  It must be packaged in a common, open standard format and each artifact should be easy to identify, examine, understand, and use.  An IEPD and the artifacts it contains should be independent of specific tools, applications, or systems to the maximum practical extent.  
> 2.5	IEPDs capture business context 
> Business context is used for search, discovery, and navigation in a repository or IEPDs, and to understand how and which IEPDs can be used in particular business exchanges.  
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