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Subject: Migration of CAMP 1.0 spec development issues to OASIS JIRA


There are a few issues (26 to be exact) left over from CAMP 1.0 spec development. These issues range from very simple editorial to more substantial. Now that the TC has started its work and we have a JIRA, I think it makes sense to migrate the issues to it. To that end I'll be filling new issues in CAMP TC's JIRA. Below is summary of the issues that I'll be raising.

Note that these issues will be in 'open' state and it will have to be a TC decision whether to accept them and work on it or not.

Be warned that OASIS JIRA will send notification emails to this list for every issue that I (or anyone else) raises.


1) Need a way to get metadata for a particular resource
2) What is the purpose of the Definitions attribute?
3) How do application packages get uploaded into the cloud?
4) Need a formal specification of the PDP format
5) Simplify {Application,Platform} Component {Requirements,Capability}
6) Can component independent of assemblies?
7) The type 'Snapshot' is undefined
8) Define link structure
9) Support a hierarchical model of platform components at runtime (or typed relationships between such components)
10) Support sensors and effectors on components via API
11) API+Model Extension mechanism missing
12) Expression of portable scaling Policy
13) Clarify scope of Application Components
14) Media Type "type" argument not compatible with Python request parsers 	
15) How are supported formats discovered?
16) Use message-id and profile rather than uri and namespace
17) Introduce non-Java use cases and/or examples
18) Figures should be redrawn
19) Need more detail on PDP specification
20) API Authentication/Authorization not clear and should leave scope for other auth mechanisms
21) SSL Cipher Suite list includes unencrypted option
22) Failure to deploy when dependencies are not resolved is not workable 	
23) Clarify that App Developers/Admins cannot assume what the Assembly Template tree looks like until post-deploy
24) Requirement resources are problematic
25) Merge Capability and Template resources 	
26) Assembly Template and Assembly trees are not analogous 	



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