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Subject: Re: [camp] Planning for a new CSD


Thanks for putting this together.

~ gp

On 2/27/2013 3:22 PM, Adrian Otto wrote:

First, I would like to recognize the considerable progress the CAMP TC has made since coming to OASIS. There have been 22 resolved/applied issues since our first CSD, including several considerable contributions. Here is a list to refresh your memory:

CAMP-1 New Feature: Need a way to get metadata for a particular resource
CAMP-2 Bug: What is the purpose of the Definitions attribute?
CAMP-6 Bug: Are application component independent of assemblies?
CAMP-7 Bug: The type 'Snapshot' is undefined
CAMP-10 New Feature: Extensions scheme
CAMP-12 Bug: Clarify scope of Application Components
CAMP-13 Improvement: Media Type "type" argument not compatible with Python request parsers
CAMP-14 New Feature: How are supported formats discovered
CAMP-15 Improvement: Use message-id and profile rather than uri and namespace
CAMP-19 Bug: SSL Cipher Suite
CAMP-24 Bug: Assembly Template and Assembly trees should be analogous
CAMP-25 Improvement: Refine link structure
CAMP-33 Improvement: Time zones and timestamps
CAMP-34 Bug: Immutable and read-only attributes in the REST world
CAMP-35 Bug: Spec needs to clarify the constraints on the relationship between Assembly Templates and Application Component Templates
CAMP-36 New Feature: Use HTTP Patch and JSON Patch for updates to resources
CAMP-38 Bug: resourceState attribute needs clarification
CAMP-39 New Feature: Discovery Features
CAMP-48 Improvement: Using SelectAttr in conjunction with PUT is duplicative and problematic
CAMP-49 Bug: Resolution fo issue 39 results in resources that do not have common attributes
CAMP-50 Bug: spec needs to clarify behavior in the case of duplicate JSON keys
CAMP-53 Bug: Inconsistent Common Attributes for Format, TypeDefinition, and AttributeDefinition

All of these are in WD07 for your review:

I plan to motion for the creation of CSD02 in our next meeting, including all work in WD07, plus any resolutions that are passed during our next meeting. I'm very proud of the progress of the CAMP TC, and I thank you all for your contributions and guidance.



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