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Subject: Re: [camp] FW: Cloud Interoperability Week and technical questionnaire

It seems like one or more of us should consider submitting a presentation.

~ gp

On 4/12/2013 7:33 AM, Martin Chapman wrote:
Sounds like a prefect opportunity to promote CAMP  seeing as we should have multi-vendor interops going (get coding guys!).
I'll put this on the agenda for next Wednesday - though note the deadline for responses (19th April)


ETSI, OCEAN Project, OGF, OW2 and SNIA invite you to their first joint Cloud Interoperability Week, co-hosted with the EGI and SDC conferences.

The event will provide an insight into the current state of Cloud Standards implementations and use cases. It will evaluate the level of interoperability of different solutions and showcase how Cloud Standards work together. This event continues the series of Cloud Plugfests aimed at promoting interoperability efforts on cloud standards-based software, services, frameworks, products and projects and will be combined with a workshop and demonstrations. Open Cloud projects are welcome in the Workshops and in relevant testing sessions of the Cloud Interoperability Week.

The Cloud Interoperability Week will be co-located with the EGI Technical Forum and OGF#39 at the Hotel Melia Castilla< http://www.melia.com/hotels/spain/madrid/melia-castilla/index.html >, in Madrid, Spain, 18th - 20 September.  Cloud Plugfest activities will be also hosted at the SNIA Storage Developer Conference in Santa Clara, CA 16th-18th September.

Registration is free and will be open shortly to public and private companies involved in cloud solutions based on recognised standards. Please subscribe to this mailing list< http://cloudplugfest.us4.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=3c5c8a161730d95b6194ae841&id=db509a7bb7 > if you would like to be notified. We would like to offer potential participants an opportunity to shape the scope of the event by filling in the Cloud Standards Implementation Survey< https://docs.google.com/forms/d/111gSovmvvpUM-Z1-GjpHfnjz9edwMCHavCw44lyUIGY/viewform > by 19th April 2013.

Cloud Standards, Interoperability and Testing Workshop.
The aim of this workshop is to set out some short and medium term objectives towards the long-term goal of an ecosystem of interoperable cloud solutions. The event will bring together the diverse communities that will need to co-operate to standardize and enable the interworking of different approaches.
Presentations will focus on (but are not limited to) :

  *            Applications of standards in industry and in open-source projects
  *            Provenance and availability of cloud standards
  *            Practical use of cloud standards and frameworks
  *            Importance of interoperability
  *            Interworking between standards and popular framework solutions
  *            Tools for conformance and performance testing
  *            Future trends and priorities
To submit a proposal, please fill in the presentation submission form< https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1eJvEvK5-i-DRcaN5DHZI07ySolGCVbkoacmku40ho9A/viewform >
With our best regards
The Cloud Plugfests Team

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