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Subject: Re: [camp] Issue 3: proposal direction with two choices

Hi Anish-

Glad you updated CAMP-3 with this link.  Somehow I missed it first time round!  Obviously it raises a question about my draft proposal for CAMP-65...

Q: What are the benefits of "pdpUri: cid:XXX" multi-part versus my suggestion of a single part and is it worth the overhead? *

To attempt an answer I think it makes it easier for _javascript_ to upload as it won't have to build ZIPs on the fly.  That's pretty compelling.  But _requiring_ multipart from the client can also be tedious so my vote would be to require a platform to support EITHER a single part post which is interpreted as I described, or a multipart post where the first part is either the map containing { pdpUri: cid:XXX }, in YAML format (so allowing JSON), or possibly the pdp itself.  (I think I prefer the latter unless there is a good reason for the former?)

Having the deployment plan also support cid: is nice as then artifacts could be part of the same multi-part.

* = also have we settled on how we treat abbreviations in camel case?  i prefer pdpUri to pdpURI (otherwise you risk getting HTTPRESTAPI !)

You also raised ...

Q:  multipart/form-data vs multipart/related

I'm not sure.  Will have to investigate, but not now as I'll miss my flight!  :O
You've probably chosen the right answer already of course.


On 01/05/2013 01:49, Anish Karmarkar wrote:


I have had a long standing AI to provide a proposal for issue 3 [1].

In the past we have talked about (in this TC as well as in the collaboration) allowing clients to POST to the platform endpoint to upload a PDP. Subsequently, we have talked about allowing clients to include a PDP in their register request (see section 6.11 in WD09 [2]).

If we are going to allow clients to include PDP in their register request:
1) we (the spec) would have a well-defined interoperable way to upload and register a PDP, and
2) we can stay silent on how the platform does management of repositories/content. A platform can choose to allow someone to upload a PDP or manage a platform administered repository, allow for git push, partial updates etc -- this would be a platform specific extension. Given all the various ways a platform can manage this, best to stay silent.

If you agree to the following, I would like to propose the following as a directional resolution for issue 3.

Proposal (Directional)

Section 6.11 currently allows one to POST a JSON message:
{"pdp_uri" : "<uri-of-the-pdp>"}

to the platform URI and get back a Location URI for the newly created AssemblyTemplate.

This section would be modified to allow for the client to send a multipart MIME message, the root part of which would contain the same JSON message as before, but the URI would be a "cid:" uri [3]. This cid uri would point to another MIME part in the same POST message that contains the PDP. For example:

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: ... ;boundary=MIME_boundary;

Content-Type: application/json
Content-ID: <123456@example.org>

{"pdp_uri" : "cid:abcdef@example.org"}

Content-Type: application/zip
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <abdcef@example.org>

// binary octets for zip


The advantage of keeping the same root part as before (in section 6.11) is: it will always be processed the same way. *Where* the PDP is located obviously changes, based on the URI scheme. Furthermore, if we decide to allow parametrization of register operations (which we should, but that is a different issue) then again the _expression_ and processing of those parameters remain the same regardless of whether the PDP is provided by value (in the POST request entity-body) or by reference (eg, a http URL).

Open Issue

What should the content-type of the multipart message be?
There are two possible options: multipart/form-data [4] or multipart/related [5].
1. multipart/form-data
This is very HTML friendly and supported by most browsers. The CAMP platform can provide such an HTML. The message would look like this --

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----MIME_boundary

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="pdp_uri"


Content-Disposition: form-data; name="pdp"; filename="pdp.zip"

Content-ID: <abdcef@example.org>
Content-Type: application/zip

//binary octet for zip


If we decide to go with this, then it would make sense to use the media-type x-www-form-urlencoded for the case where the PDP is provided by reference (the current method in section 6.11). There are two disadvantages of this approach: (1) the POSTed root part is not JSON, and (2) if we allow for parametrization all the parameter would also not be JSON (or will be URL-encoded JSON).
2. multipart/related
This allows us to reuse existing serialization/representation for the root part as well as any parameters (if we decide to allow that). The message would like this --

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/related;boundary=MIME_boundary;

Content-Type: application/json
Content-ID: <123456@example.org>

{"pdp_uri" : "cid:abcdef@example.org"}

Content-Type: application/zip
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <abdcef@example.org>

// binary octets for zip


I prefer multipart related. What do others think? Is there a more appropriate media-type to use?

Furthermore, if we decide to go with this proposal, I would like to suggest that we add another optional, immutable attribute to the AssemblyTemplate: pdpURI. This would point to the URI from which the template was created. This would allow for things such as discovery, cloning, registering the same PDP multiple times (perhaps with different customization), and debugging.



[1] https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-3
[2] https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/download.php/49008/camp-spec-v1.1-wd09.doc
[3] http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2392.txt
[4] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2388
[5] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2387

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