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Subject: Raw chat log July 2013 F2F

Meeting Attendees   Spreadsheet
Company	Name 	Role
US Department of Defense (DoD)	Michael Behrens	Voting Member
Oracle	Martin Chapman	Chair
Cloudsoft Corporation Limited	Alex Heneveld	Voting Member
Cloudsoft Corporation Limited	Duncan Johnston-Watt	Member
Oracle	Anish Karmarkar	Voting Member
Oracle	Ashok Malhotra	Voting Member
Rackspace Hosting, Inc.	Adrian Otto	Secretary
Vnomic	Derek Palma	Voting Member
Oracle	Gilbert Pilz	Voting Member
Fujitsu Limited	Tom Rutt	Voting Member

Voting Members: 9 of 13 (69%) (used for quorum calculation)

anonymous morphed into Anish Karmarkar
Alex Heneveld (Cloudsoft): http://yaml.org/spec/current.html#id2513364
MartinC : http://yaml.org/spec/1.1/
Alex Heneveld (Cloudsoft): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r-BZymi8QZ9JVwJSLsosGQlBSfu5u98N5yQimIKnxhE/edit?usp=sharing
anonymous morphed into Ashok Malhotra
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) morphed into Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]
anonymous morphed into Duncan Johnston-Watt (Cloudsoft)
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Anybody planning to join the call?
Ashok Malhotra: What's the secret code?
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: same as usual
Ashok Malhotra: I will join
Ashok Malhotra: Sorry, I don't have ir ... pl. type it in
MartinC: Intro:

  Scribe appointment - 1 per session:
  Roll Call
  Agenda approval (re-approval each session): to include picking which topics go in which afternoon.


   3rd July 2013: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/email/archives/201307/msg00010.html 

Action Items:

   Project Status:

    Timeline: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/download.php/48760/CAMP%20sched%202013-04-05.pdf?referring_url=%2Fkws 
Editing Team Update:

New Issues:


Review of P1 Issues:

    Status check towards Public Review: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?sorter/field=priority&sorter/order=DESC 

Issue Discussion:

  https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-4  Need a formal specification of the PDP format
    Latest from Gil: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/download.php/49858/camp-spec-v1.1-wd12-issue-4-v7.doc 

   https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-65   describe PDP format and contents
    draft proposal in google docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r-BZymi8QZ9JVwJSLsosGQlBSfu5u98N5yQimIKnxhE/edit?usp=sharing 
   https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-56  Add Conformance Section
    Agree terminology
    https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-9   Support sensors and effectors on components via API 



Scheduling and planning

MartinC: ashok ; we all scream for ******
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Roll Call
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Topic: Scribe. Adrian assumes scribe duty.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: 8/13 voting members. Meeting is quorate.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Topic: Agenda
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Goal: resolve P1 issues to drive us to public review.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: MOTION: Gil approve minutes from 2013-07-03
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: second by Tom
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: No discussion, no objections, minutes approved.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Topic: Editor's Update
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: no remarks.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Topic: Agenda items for tomorrow.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Topic: Administrivia
Gil Pilz (Oracle): http://www.cloudplugfest.org/cloud-interoperability-week
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Cloudsoft agrees to present at Madrid event
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Santa Clara, USA, September 16-18 and Madrid, Spain, September 18-20, 2013
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Cloudsoft): Alex to attend https://sites.google.com/a/cloudplugfest.org/welcome/upcoming-events/next-event-september-18-20-2013
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Two events in two locations: Madrid and Santa Clara. We will have TC representatives at both. Santa Clara will be attended by Gil.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: discussion about attendance at Eurocloud event in October.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: "Eurocloud Congress" October 15,16 Luxembourg
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Cloudsoft): CFP http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/cloudopen-europe/program/cfp
Derek Palma (Vnomic): i am having trouble hearing voices when more than one person speaks
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Topic: jokes from Duncan about hearing voices
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Topic: Review of P1 Issues
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: 7 open P1 issues: CAMP-4, CAMP-9, CAMP-45, CAMP-55, CAMP-56, CAMP-61, CAMP-65
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Solutions plans will land for each of these. No apparent showstoppers.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: (switching phones, please stand by)
Derek Palma (Vnomic): sounds better
Anish Karmarkar @derek @ashok can u say something?
Derek Palma (Vnomic): thanks, much better
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: we plan to discuss CAMP-45 on Wed morning
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: as it's going to be editorial in nature.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: no new issues
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Topic: Issue Discussion
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: CAMP-4: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-4
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Gil presents.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: proposal is: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/download.php/49858/camp-spec-v1.1-wd12-issue-4-v7.doc
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Example 6 changed, some lines were removed
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: this simplifies the Ruby/Rails DP
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: solves a bug: added the version node in the DP to each example.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: that concludes the summary of changes.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Alex suggests we make the version attribute named CampVersion
Gil Pilz (Oracle): "campVersion" ?
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: s/CampVersion/campVersion/
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Gil speaks in opposition
Derek Palma (Vnomic): can't hear anish
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Anish speaks in opposition
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Alex agrees.
Alex Heneveld (Cloudsoft): I move to resolve CAMP-4 with proposal draft v7 with one change:  "version" attribute changed to "campVersion", and that included in the examples.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: MOTION: Alex moves to resolve Issue CAMP-4 with https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/download.php/49858/camp-spec-v1.1-wd12-issue-4-v7.doc with s/CampVersion/campVersion/ and examples changed accordingly
Alex Heneveld (Cloudsoft): s/version/campVersion/
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: MOTION: Alex moves to resolve Issue CAMP-4 with https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/download.php/49858/camp-spec-v1.1-wd12-issue-4-v7.doc with s/version/campVersion/ and examples changed accordingly
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Anish seconds
MartinC: section  version
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: No Discussion, No Objections
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Motion passed w/o
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: recognition of a major milestone
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Topic: CAMP-65: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-65
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Anish takes action item to make an Inline word format proposal based on the current draft proposal and attach it to the issue
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Derek asks qhy tar format, and not zip? Zip is not indexed.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Zip is indexed, but tar is not. tar has metadata concern that's platform specific.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: tar allows for a stream to be expanded with a chunked encoding
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Zip can not
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Alex proceeds with presentation of the proposal draft.
Anish Karmarkar: zip spec reference: http://www.pkware.com/documents/APPNOTE/APPNOTE-6.3.2.TXT
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Anish: that's in the draft at the end.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: discussion of external spec references required for this proposal
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: references to TAR and GZIP will be added
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Discussion of archive formats concluded
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Tom asks for clarification on the camp.yaml
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Gil asks why should we even mention Zip, when it's one of many available archive formats
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Anish responds indicating that ZIP is very common among small package deployments
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Alex suggests that we also require support for ZIP
Derek Palma (Vnomic): +1 to require zip support because 1) it's pervasive (a lot of artifacts and tools use this format), 2) it's not that hard to support (i.e. most everyone will support it anyway)
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Members of the F2F will revise the proposal, and present it tomorrow
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Topic: CAMP-56: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-56
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Time check: 18 minutes remaining.
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: In our conformance section we will declare that CAMP Provider and CAMP Consumer shall refer to any mention of "provider" and "consumer" respectively in the spec.
Anish Karmarkar: "A compliant CAMP Provider MUST comply with all mandatory requirements in this specification which have Provider as a target."
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe]: Time Check: 5 minutes remaining
Adrian Otto (Rackspace) [scribe] morphed into Adrian Otto (Rackspace)
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Cloudsoft) morphed into Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe)
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Session recess proposed by chair
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Next session 1.30PM MT
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Tuesday July 9
MartinC: bridge is open
MartinC: Today's agenda will cover:

    https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-9    Support sensors and effectors on components via API
            Updated Agenda: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/download.php/49890/camp-spec-v1.1-wd15-issue-9-v3.doc
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Resumption of F2F meeting
Adrian Otto (Rackspace): https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/download.php/49890/camp-spec-v1.1-wd15-issue-9-v4.doc
Adrian Otto (Rackspace): v4 has minor changes to v3
MartinC: duncan scribes
MartinC: camp 62
MartinC: planning
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Martin reporting that CAMP-9 has been discussed informally in preparation for this meeting
Anish Karmarkar: https://oracleconferencing.webex.com/oracleconferencing/j.php?J=257907583
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Adrian presenting v4 CAMP-9 - context necessary primitives for policy-based management of platform EG scheduled maintenance; auto scaling etc
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): introduces concept of operations and sensors and their role supporting policy-based management
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Discussion about use of term "policy-based management"
Gil Pilz (Oracle): would favor saying less rather than more
Gil Pilz (Oracle): the danger of saying too much is that people will misinterpret what our spec says
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Sensors and operations are necessary but not sufficient hence "enablers" - Alex
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Note: Operations are also known as effectors (para 2)
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Mike Behrens - does the spec discuss policy frameworks?
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Alex/Martin - Out of scope
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): CAMP spec is providing bare bones support (sensors/operations) for policy-based management without expressing any view about type of policy framework
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Reviewing 5.26
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Reviewing 5.27
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Reviewing 5.28.4 sensorType
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Reviewing 5.28.5 value; 5.28.6 (optional) timestamp and 5.28.7 operations
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Adrian - should be operationsUri (corrected)
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Adrian is submitting v5 containing edits from this realtime review
Adrian Otto (Rackspace): https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/download.php/49890/camp-spec-v1.1-wd15-issue-9-v5.doc
MartinC: motion: tom, s: adrion resolve camp-9 with proposal in v5 (link above)
MartinC: s/adrion/adrian/
MartinC: propsal v5 has been added to jira
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): no discussion
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): no objections
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): CAMP-9 closed
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Now discussing CAMP-62
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-62
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Either close with no action or with recommended best practice (note)
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Adrian to take ownership and prepare proposal to present at future date
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Discussing CAMP-61
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-61
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Informal discussion to follow
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Adrian - Could downgrade ahead of public review?
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Now discussing CAMP-55
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-55
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Informal discussion to follow
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Gil - spec cannot go to public review without clearing up this issue
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Adrian - agreed. This needs to be addressed.
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): MartinC - #1 priority for informal session tomorrow
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Tom - CAMP-9 - Editors to add common attributes
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Reviewing P2s
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): General discussion about relationship between application and platform components
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Reviewing https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-29 and https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-5
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): MartinC - Effectively the same issue
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Tom - 5.26 - targetResource should be URI (pseudo schema)
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Gil - motion to change CAMP-51 from P3 to P2
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Tom - seconded
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): No discussion
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): No objections
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-51
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Discussing planning
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): 1. Timeline to public review
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): MartinC - Target to vote on PR candidate Wed July 31
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Tom - Can work on test assertions during "quiet period"
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): 2. Timeline to complete Test Assertions
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): MartinC - One month out from PR
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): MartinC - PR will begin 1-2 weeks after vote then run for 30 days
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Which means PR will wrap Friday Sept 13
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): MartinC - Logically a F2F early Oct to close out all issues/PR comments ahead of final PR
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): MartinC - Second PR end Oct (15 days)
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): MartinC - wrap by end of year
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Action - MartinC to verify who is on comment list
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): 3. Setting date for raising the bar
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Anish - End of Sept
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): (Ahead of F2F early Oct)
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): F2F week of Oct 7 (Oct 8-10)
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Potential location London
Duncan Johnston-Watt (Scribe): Session recess

MartinC : https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/comments/index.php?wg_abbrev=camp
MartinC: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-65    
     Proposal in Jira: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/document.php?document_id=49910 

   https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-55  Lifecycle Diagram is conflating two levels of states, leading to inconsistencies
MartinC: proposal: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/document.php?document_id=49914
anonymous morphed into Anish Karmarkar
Anish Karmarkar: https://oracleconferencing.webex.com/oracleconferencing/j.php?J=257907583
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ping
Gil Pilz (Oracle): SCRIBE: Gil
Gil Pilz (Oracle): TOPIC: CAMP-55
Gil Pilz (Oracle): https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-55
Gil Pilz (Oracle): (Alex presents proposal)
Gil Pilz (Oracle): https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/download.php/49914/camp-spec-issue-55-wd15-v3.docx
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Alex: discussion of the lifecycle was not in synch with current thinking
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... in addition, we repeated ourselves at least three times through sections 2 and 3
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... renamed Section 2 to "Concepts and Types"
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... Section 2.1 renamed to "Application Assemblies"
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... changed text to change self-referential definitions like "An Application Component is a component of an application".
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... Adrian added a new diagram to show how Assembly Templates and Assemblies are created
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... broke "metadata" section into more descriptive sections
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... extensions, parameters, common types, etc.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Martin: Adrian's diagram is a mini-lifecycle
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Alex: Section 3 now "Application Management Lifecycle"
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... initially there is a PC with some PCTs and, maybe, some PCs
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... register an app and you get Assembly Templates, Application Component Templates, etc.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... more information on the use of "representationSkew"
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Martin: do we have suspend and resume
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Alex: no
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... but we have operations
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Martin: don't think we want to create common operations
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Alex: finally we have removing Assemblies and AssemblyTemplates
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... at the end, the resources should look just like you found them before you registered the application
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Martin: this proposal is a new direction, we need to read it and think about it
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Tom: we took away the state chart?
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Martin: Yws
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Anish: what is attractive is that we are reducing the degree of abstraction in this part of the spec
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Tom: I like it. Do we need to wait to accept this?
Gil Pilz (Oracle): (misc. discussion about the need)
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Gil: Adrian can be assumed to be in favor of it.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Martin: I want to read it. We'll put it on the agenda for next week.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Anish: People on the phone?
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Ashok: It looks OK, though I haven't read all of it.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Derek: It feels OK - but I need to study it in more detail.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): TOPIC: CAMP-65
Gil Pilz (Oracle): https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-65
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Martin: We went over the proposal yesterday. This is that text in the context of the spec.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Anish: (presents proposal)
Alex Heneveld (Cloudsoft): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r-BZymi8QZ9JVwJSLsosGQlBSfu5u98N5yQimIKnxhE/edit?usp=sharing
Alex Heneveld (Cloudsoft): ^^^ this is the input text to Anish's proposal
Gil Pilz (Oracle): (some small changes to proposal text)
Gil Pilz (Oracle): (small changes degenerate into a full-on joint editing session)
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Anish: Changes to Section 6. We now speak in terms of registering an application, not a PDP. An application can be registered using either a PDP (which contains a DP) or by using a bare DP.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... one change I do want to point out.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... If you provided a PDP, the AssemblyTemplate "pdpURI" attribute had to point to a copy of the PDP.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... We added the "dpURI" attribute to the AssemblyTemplate to mirror this behavior for DPs.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): (misc. discussion on the use of "pdpURI" and "dpURI")
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Anish: One attribute or two attributes?
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Tom: If you could possibly have both, use two attributes.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Anish: Ourstanding issue around may/should/shall for media types of different packaging formats.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): (joint editing session continues)
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Anish: We've just made some minor, material changes. Are people OK with those?
Gil Pilz (Oracle): ... Does this look reasonable?
Gil Pilz (Oracle): All:: (assenting noises)
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Anish: Next question, are people comfortable in accepting this?
Gil Pilz (Oracle): All: (assenting noises)
Gil Pilz (Oracle): MOTION: Resolve CAMP-65 with the proposal at (xxxxxxx)
Gil Pilz (Oracle): SECOND: Anish
Gil Pilz (Oracle): RESOLUTION: motion approved by unanamous consent
Anish Karmarkar: approved proposal: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=49916&wg_abbrev=camp
Gil Pilz (Oracle): TC thanks Cloudsoft for their gracious hospitality.
Gil Pilz (Oracle): TOPIC: New Issues
Gil Pilz (Oracle): https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-65
Gil Pilz (Oracle): https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-72
Gil Pilz (Oracle): (ignore 65 link)
Gil Pilz (Oracle): "Error Response Message Resource looks like relic of a bygone age"
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Gil: (describes issue)
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Tom: I move to open CAMP-72
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Gil: Seconds
Gil Pilz (Oracle): RESOLUTION: Motion approved by unanamous consent
Gil Pilz (Oracle): TOPIC: Int'l Cloud Symposium (ICS)
Gil Pilz (Oracle): Martin: If anybody can/wants to cover this, send email

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