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Subject: Draft Minutes 2nd October 2013

Meeting Minutes 2nd October 2013


US Department of Defense (DoD)	Michael Behrens	Voting Member
Software AG, Inc.			Bhaskar Reddy Byreddy	Voting Member
Oracle				Mark Carlson	Voting Member
Oracle				Martin Chapman	Chair
Fujitsu Limited			Jacques Durand	Voting Member
Cloudsoft Corporation Limited	Alex Heneveld	Voting Member
Oracle				Anish Karmarkar	Voting Member
Oracle				Ashok Malhotra	Voting Member
Rackspace Hosting, Inc.		Adrian Otto	Secretary
Vnomic				Derek Palma	Voting Member
Oracle				Gilbert Pilz	Voting Member
Red Hat				Krishna Raman	Voting Member
Fujitsu Limited			Tom Rutt	Voting Member

    Jacques assumes scribe duties.

    Roll: Attendees listed above:  13 of 14 (92%) - meeting is quorate

      25th  September 2013: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/email/archives/201309/msg00152.html 
      MOTION: Gil to approve minutes 25 Sept 2013, 2nd Adrian
      Motion approved

Action Items:
     Jacques Durand: Coordinate Editing team meeting to discuss the challenges document referenced in CAMP-83.

       Gilbert Pilz: Get input from Martin (email) on what publications he thinks we should release between our PRs.
       Not done but discussed here
       Anish Karmarkar: publish early and often
      Gil Pilz (Oracle): we tend to lose resolutions etc. when we stack up too many in between CDs
      MartinC: we = the editing team ;-)
      Adrian Otto (Rackspace): what was our target date for PR2?
      Anish Karmarkar: the cost is to the ed. team -- if they are ok, then we should do it
      chair: need to distinguish comments editorial vs substantive
        Chair suggests we review whether to do another CD before a PR after the F2F


     F2F: attending in person: Martin (1st two days), Adrian, Anish, Alex, Gil, Jacques
              Attending by phone (for formal part of the day): Tom, Derek

      chair: Formal part of meeting will be 3:30pm - 5:30pm each day - dial-in will be open then, other times at request.

      topic: status/timeline

      Goal F2F: all major issues, + comments, + minor editorial
      Goal: final CD, may need a 2nd PR though (so means another CS).
       chair: triage of PR comments, before F2F as an action item to someone?
      Anish Karmarkar: i suggest AI for someone to go thru and bring back a proposal
      adrian: divide the comments, assign to not just 1 person
      chair: 55 issues remaining
      Anish Karmarkar would be happy to participate in divide-and-conquer
       Adrian  will triage 85-97
        Martin: 98-115
        Tom: 116-130
         ashok: 131-141
      chair: this is quick triage, by next week preferably
      Adrian Otto (Rackspace): Group them by "needs proposal+motion" or "can pass this to editing team for processing"

 topic: editing team update: 
topic: new issues

      PR external comments received, but outside PR period
      ... external PR comments require more process than internal  TC comments
      we seem to have outside-PR-period comments to handle.
      adrian: need to acknowledge all comments, PR-legit or not
      Since the comments came from Rackspace, Adrian will triage and log into JIRA those we shoudl address
       topic: timeline
      chair: 2/3 majority to open new issues: raise that bar?
      Gil: needs to file a few issues backedup before that
       Adrian Otto (Rackspace): I suggest that the deadline be adjournment of the next meeting
      chair: raise bar at F2F
       Adrian Otto (Rackspace): which effectively means start of F2F
      jacques: need to look at the "challenges" from TA to main spec, and file relevant issues before we raise the bar
      MOTION: GIl - after 16th October,  we raise the bar that requires 2/3 of those on a call to vote in favor to  open a new issue against  V1.1
      2nd: adrian

      No obj. Motion carries. 16 october is bar raising date

      Adrian Otto (Rackspace): Martin indicated the standing rule applies to the number of members present on each quorate call. It does not apply to the number all voting members.
      topic: issues discuss

issue: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-18 

      adrian goes over his proposal: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/download.php/50895/camp-spec-v1.1-wd24-issue18-r3.doc   
      Anish: ref to keystone spec? 
      adrian: there is no such spec I know of
      Gil: need be clearer on normative language for extension
      chair: "are encouraged" not same as "should"
      Gil Pilz (Oracle): "SHOULD" is tricky - some companies (not present in this TC) operate under of policy of "SHOULD == MUST"
      Anish: X-Auth-token: define value in OpenStack instead of spec?
      adrian: X- more popular than basic auth. Not just OpenStack.
      adrian: assumes spec cares about auth, and helps client side interop
      Gil: more best practice than spec material though
      Adrian: will include a link to doc about Keystone
      Gil Pilz (Oracle): http://www.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc-ref.txt

issue: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/CAMP-31 

      Gil goes over his proposal: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/camp/download.php/50876/camp-spec-v1.1-issue-31-v3.doc 
      Gil: updated representationSkew descript in spec
      ... also changed state--> status. Nothing more
      ... status also at component level
      Anish Karmarkar @gil it is a setting on word
      ... no status for Assembly level (look at its components)
      discussion: STATUS on assembly? Value in Assembly STATUS that summarize all components STATUSes (else UNDEFINED if mixed)
      Tom: is it worth the overhead? sounds like just an optimization
      Mark: more than just an optimization?
      Anish: would that need a roll-up all the way in the tree dependency?
      jaccques: how the consumer knows her Assembly is ready?
      Tom Rutt (Fujitsu): Is there a strong use case for the optimization?
      Gil Pilz (Oracle): Tom - IMO, not strong enough to warrant the complexity (in both spec and implementation)

     ...ran out of time


Meeting Adjourned

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