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Subject: Groups - CESTC Distributed Ledger Whitepaper uploaded

Submitter's message
Dear CESTC Members,
Please review this preliminary whitepaper which was generated by a sub-team for the TC to describe the general direction and use cases which will be developed by the TC as specifications for ratification. There will be a vote in the December meeting for ratification of the whitepaper as a Committee Draft.
-- Mr. Joaquin Sufuentes
Document Name: CESTC Distributed Ledger Whitepaper

This is a Whitepaper describing the use of Distributed Ledgers for Supply
Chain Use Cases in the Computing Ecosystem. This is an initial draft
outlining the key direction and use cases for the CESTC.
Download Latest Revision
Public Download Link

Submitter: Mr. Joaquin Sufuentes
Group: Computing Ecosystem Supply-Chain (CES-TC) Technical Committee
Folder: Working Drafts
Date submitted: 2023-11-27 10:58:11

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