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Subject: Re[2]: [cgmo-webcgm] WebCGM traversal routines

At 08:20 AM 10/8/2004 -0400, Benoit Bezaire wrote:
>Could you clarify what you mean by 'If First Child is "top of display
>pile", does it interact with visibility?', I don't understand, sorry.

I was writing fast and was unclear.  Explanation...

The proposed alternative to XML tree-order is that First Child would 
actually be the last child element of the APS, as located in the actual 
data stream of the APS contents.  This is based on graphical 
consideration:  the last element in the data stream comprising the body of 
the APS, by being drawn last, overlays and is on top of the earlier elements.

Since this alternative definition of "First Child" is based on graphical 
effect, what happens if the element or APS so chosen is invisible?  Is it 
still "First Child"?  I.e., does the last-drawn graphical choice of First 
Child interact with the visibility attribute?

It is a minor question compared to the other points, but would have to be 
answered for the alternative last-drawn definition.  It does not arise in 
XML tree-order definition, because XML DOM (upon which we are modelling our 
WDOM) is application independent -- the result of DOM traversal is 
independent of the semantics of the XML data.


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