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cgmo-webcgm message

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Subject: Proposal: onload evt

Hi cgmo-webcgm,

  I propose we add the following wording to the <object> tag section:

  onload eventHandlerName(evt)
    Assigns an event handler for the 'onload' event. This parameter
    and handler allows for script writers to manipulate the WebCGM DOM
    at the point at which the user agent has fully parsed the <object>
    tag and its descendants and is ready to render the <object> to
    the screen. 

    <script type="text/ecmascript"> <![CDATA[
     function myHandler(evt)
       // performs DOM manipulation calls...

    <object data="xxx.cgm" type="image/cgm;Version=4;ProfileId=WebCGM"; width="200" height="100">
      <param name="onload" value="myHandler(evt);"/>

 Benoit                 mailto:benoit@itedo.com

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