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Subject: Fwd: Re: WebCGM RGB/sRGB question

This is a forwarded message
From: Chris Lilley <chris@w3.org>
To: Benoit Bezaire <benoit@itedo.com>
Date: Thursday, July 7, 2005, 3:17:59 PM
Subject: WebCGM RGB/sRGB question

===8<==============Original message text===============
On Thursday, July 7, 2005, 8:14:03 PM, Benoit wrote:

BB> Hi Chris,

BB>   The WebCGM working group would like to ask you a question regarding
BB>   color spaces within WebCGM documents.

BB>   The allowed color spaces is currently under review for WebCGM 2.0.

BB>   In WebCGM 1.0
BB> (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-WebCGM/REC-02-CGM-Concepts.html#webcgm_2_5_3)
BB>   the spec says:
BB>   "The full range of standard CGM:1999 color models is limited in
BB>   WebCGM Edition 1.0. The ATA GREXCHANGE RGB model is included, as
BB>   well as the models: RGB-alpha; the colorimetric RGB space of the
BB>   Web, sRGB; and sRGB-alpha. The latter three are registered in the
BB>   ISO Register of Graphical Items."

BB>   The group feels that too many color spaces are allowed and would
BB>   like to reduce the set.


BB> The intent is to deprecated sRGB and
BB>   sRGB-alpha (and only keep RGB and RGB-alpha). After more carefully
BB>   reviewing how colors are used in these technical markets, it may
BB>   after all make sense.

BB>   The bottom line is that no tools (within the group) have color
BB>   management or some sort of color calibration method.

The *entire point* of sRGB is of course that, while being colorimetricaly
defined, and thus convertible  to other color spaces, it is specifically
designed to use the transfer curve and primaries and illumination
characteristics of a typical office environment and thus be displayable
without any color calibration.

BB>  They simply
BB>   read in the R, G, B, data and blit them on the screen without any
BB>   processing within those two steps. All applications basically work
BB>   with uncalibrated R, G, B data. Since applications do not make the
BB>   distinction between RGB and sRGB, the group's intent is to
BB>   deprecated sRGB and sRGB-alpha...

BB>   The group is however concerned, of negative feedback from an
BB>   organization like W3C regarding such a decision.

Yes, it would frankly be a really bad idea. Deprecate RGB and RGBA instead.

 Chris Lilley                    mailto:chris@w3.org
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead

===8<===========End of original message text===========

As I expected, Chris doesn't like the idea of deprecating sRGB and
sRGBA (and I actually agree with him, we are trying to deprecate the
wrong color spaces).

Best regards,
 Benoit                            mailto:benoit@itedo.com

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