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Subject: Re: [cgmo-webcgm] Regular expression action item

At 08:28 AM 10/5/2007 -0400, Bezaire, Benoit wrote:
I will take over ownership of the regular expression action item; however I'm very busy with development work for approx the next four weeks. A due date in early-mid November would be appreciated.

The AI:  "White paper describing applying regular expressions to the name APS attribute for searching"

If the detailed description doesn't happen until mid-November, that's probably okay.  But it would be good in the interim if we can come to a tentative understanding about whether people want some level of regex addressing ('name' and/or 'apsid') in 2.1.

It can then go into a draft Requirements document, "details TBD".  It can even be removed later, if it turns out to be too problematic, or takes too long for 2.1, or whatever.  (In fact, that same approach can apply to any of the candidate functionality of 2.1).

Those who participate in the WebCGM WG will understand why I'm trying to hustle at least tentative closure on requirements (at least at the IN-or-OUT level) -- the WG needs to re-charter soon if there is to be an OASIS-W3C collaboration on a 2.1.


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