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Subject: RE: [cgmo-webcgm] ISSUE: font mapping (continued)

Hi Lofton,

This is not a proposal... just explaining my line of thoughts. If we
were to change the specification so that a list of fonts can be
specified for each text element... then authoring tool could modify
there font selection list from:

Courier New

Arial, Helvetica, Boeings-own-Arial-like-font, sans-serif
Bantang, serif
Courier New, Courier, monospace


-----Original Message-----
From: Lofton Henderson [mailto:lofton@rockynet.com] 
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 2:56 PM
To: Weidenbrueck, Dieter; CGM Open WebCGM TC
Subject: RE: [cgmo-webcgm] ISSUE: font mapping (continued)

[...2nd of two...]

Again, I'm a little confused about some assertions, and might have
missed some peoples' meaning...

At 05:34 PM 4/9/2008 -0400, Weidenbrueck, Dieter wrote:
>Don and all,
>The more we get into this discussion, the less I understand what it 
>really is that we want to standardize.
>Let's recap:
>- we have a standardized and unambiguous way to specify fonts inside a 
>WebCGM file
>- we recognize that such a font needs to be specified by the creator of

>the file, who has no idea about the actual font installation on any 
>target computer
>- current viewer implementations provide font mapping on the client 
>side, i.e. where the font installation of the target computer is known.
>Now the suggestion is to prepare a font mapping file on the creator 
>side (which still has no clue which fonts will be installed on the 
>target systems, and how much this varies from computer to computer), 
>and to send this out with the WebCGM file.

Hmmm.  That is not how I have been understanding the user arguments such
as Boeing's.  I thought that the font-sub file would be prepared on the
user/viewer end, based on the fonts that are requested in the WebCGM
file and the fonts that are available on the local display system(s).
Not at metafile-generation time.

Have I missed or misunderstood something in the thread?

Clarification:  When I read "viewer-independent way to do font-sub", I
understand it to mean a standardized syntax to submit to viewers.  I do
not understand it to mean a generator-time specification of font
substitution that is to happen on any and every destination

Scenario:  So Dave is using viewers from XYZ Corp and Bogus Software
Inc.  The fonts in his 5000 metafiles are Helvetica.  It is available on
his unix box, but not on his Windows systems, where Arial is available
and the two viewers are installed.  He can then hand the same font-sub
file to the viewers of XYZ and Bogus on his Windows boxes.

(I realize that one can push the scenario to the limits, and postulate
"what if he specifies a font-sub that one of the viewers doesn't
support?"  Could happen, and if we pursue font-sub, we should say what
is expected if a resource is lacking.  But I think it would be a fringe
case, if I understand Dave's scenario correctly.)

>More than that, the proposal below
>suggests recovery methods for mistyped fonts in the font mapping file.
>So we are talking about a recovery method for a recovery method for a 
>standardized font mechanism inside WebCGM.

For the record, as I said earlier, I do not support this as a use case
to justify the feature.  IMO, correction of erroneous input should be

>My position is:
>- font mapping can only happen reliably on the target computer itself, 
>because this is the only place where the fonts are known that could be 
>used for substitution purposes.
>- as Lofton pointed out wrt other things, we are defining how things 
>SHOULD be done, not the recovery methods for files that are not 
>compliant to the spec.
>- if flexibility is needed on the font side, we should specify 
>alternatives inside the WebCGM file, similar to SVG, or we should 
>specify rules how a viewer should be looking for a similar font on the 
>target computer

The latter is something that we *could* do.  I tend to think it would be
pretty disruptive at this stage to invent "virtual font names", with an
embedded priority-ordered fallback (substitution) list.

Also -- except for generics like "serif", I question the wisdom of
generator-time embedding of font-substitution into the metafile.  (SVG,
for example, would allow a font something like this for the font
request, at 
metafile-generation time:   "Helvetica, Arial,

>Font mapping should remain a viewer feature, as much as the excellent 
>recovery methods that Don described below. We have dozends of such 
>workarounds in our code to deal with lots of buggy files from the past.

Again, I'm not reading the valid use case as "buggy" files.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Don [mailto:dlarson@cgmlarson.com]
>Sent: Mittwoch, 9. April 2008 17:12
>To: david.w.cruikshank@boeing.com; CGM Open WebCGM TC
>Subject: re: [cgmo-webcgm] ISSUE: font mapping (continued)
>Here's my thoughts on font substitution issue.
>I think that we need standard (viewer independent way) to do font 
>substitution in the viewer for all the reasons you have mentioned.
>I do think though, that variances in font names like whitespaces, 
>hyphens and upper/lower case will cause a matching problem as Benoit 
>suggested, e.g.
>Courier BoldOblique
>My thinking is that we need to further specify that when the viewer is 
>trying to match fonts in CGM for substitution, it should ignore 
>whitespace, hyphens, and convert to lower case in the font names.
>We do this now in our font substitution algorithm and it has worked 
>well for us.
>  >  There was a long thread (primarily between PTC and Boeing) 
>concerning  >  the font mapping requirement.
>  >  See:
>  >
>  >  It's time to get other's opinions.  Please review the thread and 
>reply  >  with you're thoughts (vendors?, users?)
>  >  My position is that when the font in the CGM file is not a match 
>to a  >  font on the user platform, I want a "standard" method to 
>specify which  >  font to substitute..
>  >  Thx...Dave
>  >  Technical Fellow - Graphics/Digital Data Interchange  >  Boeing 
>Commercial Airplane  >  206.544.3560, fax 206.662.3734  > 
>  >
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