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Subject: question Re: [cgmo-webcgm] July 23 notes

The notes say, "Once we get into the W3C process, it will probably be 8 
weeks before we get to LC review."

I'm trying to remember how I might have up with that, as it seems too long 
to me now.  Once the WG is active, then:

-- put up an initial WD that is identical to CS but formatted for W3C 
(simple task);
-- discuss/resolve within the WG any desired changes for the FP&LC WD;
-- request FP&LC review (like last time -- simultaneous First Public and 
Last Call Working Draft review);
-- initiate something like a 4 week review.

So ... it would seem more like 8 weeks after WG activation to get to CR, or 
8 weeks till *end* of LC review, or some such.

*** ALERT ***  All work on the spec is stopped, both within OASIS and 
W3C.  W3C has signed the MoU.  OASIS has not.  Nothing more will happen on 
WG activation until OASIS signs.  It would seem to be a no-brainer.  But... 
we've been here before.

Once OASIS signs the MoU, then we can expect the W3C announcement of the WG 
recharter and the Call for Participation.  At that point the WG can begin work.

So, summarizing:  maybe 8 weeks from now till the start of LC review?  But 
not 8 weeks from WG activation.


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