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Subject: RE: re[2]: more getObjectExtent and getObjectExtentTransformed

I have made the change and have updated the FTP site.

Stuart Galt
(206) 544-3656


From: Don Larson [mailto:dlarson@cgmlarson.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:02 AM
To: Galt, Stuart A; CGM Open WebCGM TC
Subject: re[2]: more getObjectExtent and getObjectExtentTransformed

I'll let you update the ftp site since your are the author. 
 >  Don you are correct,
 >  I think it should look like:
 >  function results(myaps, loc) {
 >  var rec;
 >  var cgmDoc = document.getElementById("img").getWebCGMDocument();
 >  var cgmPic = cgmDoc.firstPicture;
 >  var aps = cgmPic.getAppStructureById(myaps);
 >  var result = document.getElementById(loc);
 >  rec = aps.getObjectExtent();
 >  if( rec != null) {
 >  result.firstChild.nodeValue = "( " + rec.xll + " " + rec.yll + " "
 >  + rec.xur + " " + rec.yur + ")";
 >  } else {
 >  result.firstChild.nodeValue = "null";
 >  }
 >  }
 >  That should fix the bug in setting the rectangle rec, and the typo
 >  in the result string. Did you want to update the files on the ftp site
 >  or should I?
 >  --
 >  Stuart Galt
 >  stuart.a.galt@boeing.com
 >  (206) 544-3656
 >  > -----Original Message-----
 >  > From: Don Larson [mailto:dlarson@cgmlarson.com]
 >  > Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 3:23 PM
 >  > To: Galt, Stuart A
 >  > Subject: more getObjectExtent and getObjectExtentTransformed
 >  >
 >  > Don,
 >  >
 >  > Also in the same 2 tests I believe line 49 has a typo,
 >  > "rec.yul" should be "rec.yur"
 >  >
 >  > result.firstChild.nodeValue = "( " + rec.xll + " " + rec.yll
 >  > + " " + rec.xur + " " + rec.yur + ")";
 >  >
 >  >
 >  > Regards,
 >  > Don Larson
 >  > Larson Software Technology
 >  > Tel: (713)977.4177 ext. 102
 >  > www.cgmlarson.com
 >  >
 >  >

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