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cgmopen-members message

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Subject: From Greg (MGX)...

CGM Open Members --

I have been having some dialog with former member/rep Greg Gallant, 
Micrografx.  As an aside, he expressed these thoughts about CGMO TC 
initiatives, which I pass along for your information and consideration...

>I would hope that making significant progress on the WebCGM DOM is among the
>initiatives.  I believe that much deeper interaction between browser
>scripting logic and the drawing structure will be necessary for more complex
>distributed applications. Also, a standardized XML Schema/DTD for WebCGM
>would facilitate the use of CGMs within Document Management and Content
>Management systems.  Further, I hope that some progress will be made on the
>adoption of an animation model.


Lofton Henderson
1919 Fourteenth St., #604
Boulder, CO   80302

Phone:  303-449-8728
Email:  lofton@rockynet.com

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