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cgmopen-members message

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Subject: [cgmopen-members] CGM-SVG draft for meeting

CGM Open members,

Thanks to Dieter for this contribution -- a first cut at the structure of 
formatted web pages of member product information.  (Unzip into some home 
directory -- you'll get a directory structure under it, with intro.html as 
the starting point in the home directory.)

We should spend an hour or two at LB, as needed, to discuss this.

We should finish what we can at Long Beach. We should make a series of 
small assignments with 5-day due dates, to finish the little bits and 
pieces of prose, disclaimers, legalese, etc. I'd like a nominal goal of 1st 
October to be able to give something to the OASIS Webmaster.

(Sponsor and Contributor members of record on that date will be 
included.  We are also looking at the issue of update frequency of the 
information:  quarterly seems a good compromise.)

The biggest issue would be: can we finish some blank pro-formas by 1st 
October? So that the self-assessment at least links to a blank pro-forma, 
with advice to reader/shopper, "Please ask your vendors to provide you with 
this information, and discuss it with them."


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