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Subject: Re: [chairs] [tab] Invitation to comment on revisions to OASIS policy documents

And I have no clue how any of this relates back to redlined OASIS policy documents.

Speaking for the DITA TC, we have no problems with ballots, CSD votes, getting quorum -- I really don't understand what people have been raising as issues. Our DITA meeting every week, and it is easy to vote.


Kristen James Eberlein
Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee
OASIS Distinguished Contributor
Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting LLC
+1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype)

On 9/22/2020 10:28 AM, aa tt wrote:
Sitting on the sidelines watching this exchange I wanted to share my observation.

Iâm not sure people are agreeing what the actual problem is.

Iâve seen multiple people saying what their experiences are or have been and how they âsolvedâ the problem. Before you solve a problem with process you need to first agree what the actual problem is.

As someone who has participated in both STIX (a lot), OpenC2 (a little) and CACAO (a lot) I think there are too many pointless ballots and getting peopleâs attention to vote on those pointless ballots is time-consuming for the people who do actual work in the TC.Â

I suggest this group resetÂ

a) What is the actual problem to be solved. (i.e. is it too many ballots or too many voters who donât do anything but effectively block progress because they just care about voting rights or something else).
b) Ensure that everyone agrees that this is a problem. (i.e. define the problem statement. Make sure that everyone agrees with how that problem statement is defined).
c) Come up with solutions to that problem. (i.e. define different options and then choose which one is acceptable to the group. One solution includes doing nothing which seems to be the suggestion of some).

Right now it seems like people are just talking past each other and frankly it doesnât seem like you are getting closer to a solution at all.

My 2.34cents.


On Sep 22, 2020, at 5:31 AM, martin.chapman@oracle.com wrote:


I'm not ever sure I can address the need for meetings to being quorate since it is a founding principle when decisions have to be made.

Who decides to "release" a CSD? If not the whole TC then who?

Of course you are entitled to change you mind but we did go through all of this when you drafted these changes while on the Board.


On 21/09/2020 19:55, Bret Jordan wrote:
The problem is requiring a meetingÂto be quorate. If you do this, then the vast majority of options you spell out are not valid. So back to my statement about them needing to be ballots and then needing to wait 2 weeks to make sure everyone has seen it and had a chance to vote. Large TCs have a muchÂharder time with this.ÂThere is a fundamental difference between TCs that have 10 people and TCs that have 300 people.Â

Given that CSDs are internal documents to the TC, why do they require a vote / ballot to be released? We want to get to an automated process and we need to get to where we reduce complexity, pain, and delays. The purpose of the open projects is to make things go faster and now adding standards support to open projects makes open projects an easier path to standards, though a more expensiveÂone.Â

CSDs are drafts. They are not final documents. We should only have ballots for the following cases:

1) To decide if the TC is ready to send a CSD out for public review and thus gain feedback from public comments, aka be on the hook for tracking public comments and providing a resolution log for them.Â

2) Finishing up work and releasing a Committee Specification

3) Deciding to send a Committee Specification on to be a Full OASIS Standard

Another side problem is one that Dave L brought up. We are already running foul in process because we allow anyone in the world to make comments and suggestions via Github issues and pull requests. There is no way to ensure that those comments and suggestions or issues do not violate IPR.Â


PGP Fingerprint:Â63B4 FC53 680A 6B7D 1447 ÂF2C0 74F8 ACAE 7415 0050
"Without cryptography vihv vivc ce xhrnrw, however, the only thing that can not be unscrambled is an egg."

On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 11:24 AM <martin.chapman@oracle.com> wrote:


You said:

"If a group can simply decide in a meeting via motion to publish a CSD and have it than published without further ritual time burning is what the world has been waiting for ;-)"

The good news is they can and always have been able to. It does require a full majority vote, i.e. 50% of all voting members. A quorate meeting where there are no objections qualifies!

I think terms are being overloaded when there is no reason to. A decision, a motion, a vote, a ballot, an electronic ballot are all ways for a TC to decide. The umbrella term in the TC process is a vote, but only special majority votes are required to be held electronically. Everything else is a TC choice.


On 18/09/2020 00:13, Bret Jordan wrote:
I really feel like this is something we should do. It would make things more agile and reduce so much unneeded complexity and burnout that takes place in TCs.

PGP Fingerprint:Â63B4 FC53 680A 6B7D 1447 ÂF2C0 74F8 ACAE 7415 0050
"Without cryptography vihv vivc ce xhrnrw, however, the only thing that can not be unscrambled is an egg."

On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 4:57 PM Stefan Hagen <stefan@dilettant.eu> wrote:
I would really appreciate that speed up.

Never, I encountered a TC playing back and forth via CSDs. If a group can simply decide in a meeting via motion to publish a CSD and have it than published without further ritual time burning is what the world has been waiting for ;-)

Only keeping ÂCS and OS as Balloted outputs from TC and OASIS respectively seems to be the 21st century way of standardization. This matches the Way we produce music, books, and software these days and I am sure, this will reduce fatigue and unleash TC superpowers.

I once expressed âHereâ the hope to witness such a way of operating before I go and it makes me very happy to imagine this could be the case even while I am actively supporting OASIS at large in producing standardized specifications from words and deeds of Open and accessible groups of experts.

Go, OASIS, go!

All the best,

Am 17.09.2020 um 18:39 schrieb Bret Jordan <bret.jordan@broadcom.com>:


Given that the proposal removes the concept of a "working draft", we really should remove the requirement to have a ballot on a CSD. Since the CSDs are really just internal TC documents and not for external consumption, we should get rid of this extra layer of un-neededÂbusywork process. Larger TCs that are very active tend to suffer from Ballot fatigue from ballots that are really not even necessary.Â

So I would propose that a TC can release the CSDs whenever they want and as frequently as they want. Then the ballot to approve it is done at the CS level. If you look at a TC that produces say 6 CSDs for a single CS and given that ballots need to be open really for 2 weeks, then for a standard release there is about 12 weeks or 3 months of dead time in a TC due to ballots. This is just a waste.Â

PGP Fingerprint:Â63B4 FC53 680A 6B7D 1447 ÂF2C0 74F8 ACAE 7415 0050
"Without cryptography vihv vivc ce xhrnrw, however, the only thing that can not be unscrambled is an egg."

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 3:57 PM Chet Ensign <chet.ensign@oasis-open.org> wrote:
Dear OASIS members,

Over the past two and a half years, the OASIS Board has considered changes to our project policy documents based on feedback from you, the members, the people who actively do the work.

At its meeting on July 22, 2020, the Board approved a set consolidated changes to the Committee Operations Process, the TC Process, the Defined Terms, and the Naming Directives. Because these changes include some significant changes to current practice, the Board would like to hear your comments.

This email starts a 30-day member comment period. When the review is completed, our Board will review any comments and then propose a final set of approved documents as well as determining their effective date.

As a member-centric and member-run organization, your opinions matter. The attached ZIP file contains redlined copies of each policy document. A brief summary of the changes is included below. Please take some time to review the documents and share your thoughts with us. You can share your comments by sending them to our archived discussion list at oasis-member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org or, if you prefer, share them directly with me or with any OASIS board member or staff.

Thank you in advance for your time & feedback!


Summary of changes to Committee Operations Process, TC Process, Defined Terms and Naming Directives.

The major changes:

* We changed pronouns to be gender-neutral throughout.

* We simplified the work product workflow. (A separate communication will be forthcoming describing these changes.)

Going forward, we have eliminated the confusing and duplicative Committee Specification Public Review Drafts and the Candidate OASIS Standards. Your group will now produce Committee Specification Drafts. Public reviews will be done on the CSDs and, after you have approved Committee or Project Specifications, the CS or PS will be put forward for the 60-day public review preceding the Call for Consent as OASIS Standard. We hope this will address long-standing confusion over the conflicting numbering schemes as well as eliminate unnecessary duplication of publications.

A substantial number of the changes you'll see are simply eliminations of references to the eliminated artifacts.

* We modified the rules on handling content post-approval to allow TC Administration to work with the editors to correct problems discovered during publishing process. We agree that it is to everyone's advantage to put forward the highest quality work from our projects. We hope you will take advantage of this to fix those niggling glitches that we come across during preparation of your work.

* We added a new section 1.10 to the TC Process titled "TC Vitality." TCs will now be asked to review and confirm (or modify) their charter once every four years.

* We added a requirement to Committee Process section 1.4 Chairs that every two years, a committee must reappoint its chairs. Sitting chairs are allowed to stand but must be reconfirmed by committee vote.

The minor changes:

* We clarified the requirement that meeting minutes must be posted to the TC's general email list. We hope this will help eliminate the hiccups when TC Admin has to postpone working on a support request until the minutes are sent to the mail list.

* We removed a discrepancy between the definitions of Material and Non-Material changes.

* We clarified an ambiguity about how a Member gains voting rights during a 60 day period if less than 2 meetings are held.

* We shortened and simplified the Leave of Absence policy. Now, a first LoA request is considered automatically approved.

* We clarified that changing employers does not change a member's voting rights or other status within a committee.

* We clarified that a TC can use the electronic ballot tool to record votes during a TC meeting.

* We changed references from normative / non-normative to normative and informative to be more in line with other SDO practice.

Again, thank you for your time & feedback.


Chet Ensign
Chief Technical Community Steward
OASIS: Advancing open source & open standards for the information society

Mobile: +1 201-341-1393Â

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