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Subject: Re: [clr-dev] Genericode / CVA validation

At 2008-11-27 15:43 +0100, Linda van den Brink wrote:
>I am working with a customer in The Netherlands who are now starting
>to use Genericode in some of their XSDs.


>Because some of their code lists can change pretty regularly, they
>don't want to use the example validation implementation provided by
>CraneSoft. Their objection is that the values from the code list are
>hard coded in the generated Schematron and XSLT. They don't want to
>have to regenerate the Schematron and XSLT each time a code list
>I'm wondering if it is easy to change the implementation so that the
>Schematron reads the code lists dynamically using the document()
>function, or if maybe the latest version already does that?

It doesn't do that right now, but that feature has been added to the 
list for consideration.  Note that just last week Rick Jelliffe 
talked about using the document() function for code list 
validation.  It seemed to me at the time an interesting consideration 
for CVA2Sch ... you've confirmed it!

I'm in the process of moving the CVA2Sch tool into an Apache project, 
so this feature can be added as part of that process.

Thanks, Linda!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken

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G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
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