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Subject: Draft invitation to COEL briefing

Please review the invitation draft below and send me any edits needed.Â

Which TCs do you want to target? I think we mentioned PMRM, PbD-SE, CTI, Emergency...were there others?



Subject: Briefing for OASIS <XYZ> TC on COEL

The OASIS Classification of Everyday Living (COEL) TC is hosting a online discussion with members of the CTI, OpenC2, and PMRM TCs on Oct 26 at 15:30-16:00 UTC (11:30-noon EDT). Please make plans to attend.

COEL treats the distinctive patterns of what we do as humans, and what we are likely to do next, as a standard form of portable, machine-readable data. It is relevant to any organisation that wants to collect and/or analyse data about individuals - including active or passive interactions with digital infrastructure and IoT devices. COEL provides a privacy-by-design governance structure for pseudonymous data about behaviors and can be used in provisioning personalized services, public health interventions, research, or for the evaluation of identity and security risks.

We hope you'll join us to learn more about COEL and explore how it relates to your standard work. Please let me know if you'd like to receive a calendar invitation with dial-in details.

Best regards,


Carol Geyer
Chief Development Officer
Open Source and Standards Communities

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