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Subject: Re: [cti-comment] Using Indicators vs. SCOs


Thanks for your question on using SDOs versus SCOs.

Here is one way to think about it. SCOs are the most atomic data elements that are observed and shared. They represent a very specific observed element. In contrast, SDOs have been designed to help the analyst or modeller add context to what was observed. In my view the Indicator SDO is central to the data model because that is where the Patterning Language is embedded (as required properties). This is one of the key innovations of STIX2.1 and it is key to its value as a robust data model for sharing machine readable threat intelligence (MRTI) that can also be read by human analysts.

With that being said, I have seen a lot of implementations that default to using the Indicator SDO as almost a catch-all SDO where the embedded Pattern contains a single IPv4 or a hash value but does not have a comparison expression. In that implementation it does not use all of the functionality of the patterning language. Similarly, to default to using the Indicator SDO as a catch-all data element does not use STIX2.1 to its fullest extent to be truly expressive. The more context we can add to the modeling of the event or observed activity, the more valuable the shared or modeled information is to the trust community.

So, to get to your specific example, I would prefer to see you use the Infrastructure SDO that has relationships to your IPv4 SCOs and your Malware SDO. You could also form a relationship to an Indicator SDO that could provide even more context (with the Pattern), depending on what has been observed.

Do you have access to the STIX2.1 Best Practices Document? That might also help you think through how you want to express your data. Here is a link to the PDF of the Committee Note.


I hope this helps!!

R. Jane Ginn, MSIA, MRP
Secretary, TAC TC

On 4/4/2023 9:36 AM, Yuval Intrater wrote:

I have a question regarding the functionality of Indicator objects.
I am not sure in which cases I should use SCO objects and in which cases I should use Indicator objects.

For example, I used the example of Infrastructure object from STIX 2.1 documentation (infrastructure.json). In this case, two ipv4 objects and a malware object are related to the infrastructure object.

Can I express the same relationship using an Indicator object? For example, I created two indicator objects that contain ipv4 addresses as their patterning properties (indicator1.json). I created a relationship between these objects to the malware object. Does this relationship represent the same concept as the relationships in infrastructure.json?

Are there any other rules to help me understand when I should use Indicator objects and when should I use SCO objects?

Thank you in advance,

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