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cti-marketing message

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Subject: Re: [cti-marketing] Results from STIX/TAXII/CybOX Training Survey

Hi Carol,

The EU venue opportunities probably
scaled over the past couple of weeks.
Not untypically, the EU legislative bodies
emulated the US and adopted their
equivalent of the Cyber Security Act.
Some pointers are provided below,
and a copy of the new EU Directive
adopted 18 Dec is attached.

The EU material is complex and just getting
some significant publicity in legal circles.
One especially useful overview with links
is the following.  It also contrasts US and EU


As the blog post notes - while the new U.S. law
encourages information sharing by providing
immunity if certain practices are followed, the
EU appears to institute heavy regulation with
the imposition of fines for non-compliance.

All of this spells a major demand for CTI
specifications, knowledge, and products!

Much of the EU standards work will likely
occur in ETSI TC CYBER, and there is keen
interest in cooperating with OASIS/CTI.


Attachment: st15229-re02.en15.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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