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Subject: Object ID format - Proposal

Here is my proposal:

  • STIX uses a simple ID of [object-type]::[UUID] for all objects.
  • For all top level objects, an InformationSource SHOULD be included
Use Cases 1:
  1. John sends me a relationship objects of:
    1. indicator::uuid and
    2. malware::uuid
  2. I do not have indicator::uuid or malware::uuid
  3. But the relationship object has a InformationSource that points back to John
  4. I go ask John either via TAXII or out-of-band methods can you tell me more about indicator::uuid and malware::uuid
  5. John can respond with a few difference answers:
    1. Yes, here is the information source for those objects, go ask them
    2. No, I can not tell you
  6. If yes, and say the indicator was produced by Jason and I have a contract with Jason to talk to his TAXII server or to call him on the phone and get more information, I can then use the ID to talk to him

Doing this will allow for all of the use cases we have discussed.  It allows for the use case that everyone can talk to everyone.  It allows for the use case of anonymous none attributed data.  It also allows for the use case of proxied content.  



Bret Jordan CISSP
Director of Security Architecture and Standards | Office of the CTO
Blue Coat Systems
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"Without cryptography vihv vivc ce xhrnrw, however, the only thing that can not be unscrambled is an egg." 

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