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Subject: Re: [cti-users] STIX read tools

On 21.12.2017 11:02:26, Mondher Smii wrote:
> Are there tools for reading a stix file other than "STIX viz" and is
> there network equipment that includes the STIX format?

Hi, Mondher -

Apologies for the delayed response. Here's a list of the STIX/TAXII
open-source tools and libraries that I know about:

Python Libraries
* cti-taxii-server
  * Description: TAXII2 Server
  * URL: https://github.com/oasis-open/cti-taxii-server
* cti-taxii-client
  * Description: TAXII2 Client
  * URL: https://github.com/oasis-open/cti-taxii-client
* cti-python-stix2
  * Description: STIX2 Bindings
  * URL: https://github.com/oasis-open/cti-python-stix2
* cti-pattern-matcher
  * Description: Match observed data to patterns
  * URL: https://github.com/oasis-open/cti-pattern-matcher
* cti-stix-elevator
  * Description: Convert STIX1 to STIX2
  * URL: https://github.com/oasis-open/cti-stix-elevator
* cti-stix-slider
  * Description: Convert STIX2 to STIX1
  * URL: https://github.com/oasis-open/cti-stix-slider
* stix2patterns_translator
  * Description: Translate STIX2 patterns to ElasticSearch or Splunk
  * URL: https://github.com/mitre/stix2patterns_translator

Other Language Libraries (Go, Scala, Javascript)
* freetaxii-server
  * Description: TAXII2 Server (Go)
  * URL: https://github.com/freetaxii/freetaxii-server
* libstix2
  * Description: STIX2 Bindings (Go)
  * URL: https://github.com/freetaxii/libstix2
* StixConvert
  * Description: Convert STIX2 to GraphML or GEXF (Scala)
  * URL: https://github.com/workingDog/StixConvert
* StixToNeoDB
  * Description: Load STIX2 into Neo4j (Scala)
  * URL: https://github.com/workingDog/StixToNeoDB
* scalastix
  * Description: STIX2 Bindings (Scala)
  * URL: https://github.com/workingDog/scalastix
* Taxii2LibScala
  * Description: TAXII2 Client (Scala)
  * URL: https://github.com/workingDog/Taxii2LibScala
* taxii2lib
  * Description: TAXII2 Client (Javascript)
  * URL: https://github.com/workingDog/taxii2lib

STIX-Compatible Applications
  * Malware & Threat Sharing Platform
  * URL: https://github.com/MISP/MISP
* Cyberstation
  * Browser-based STIX2 editor, with ability to push to TAXII2 server
  * URL: https://github.com/workingDog/cyberstation

Director of Standards Development, New Context
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"Irrationality is the square root of all evil" -- Douglas Hofstadter

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