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Subject: Re: [cti] F2F

On 13.04.2016 02:55:17, Jordan, Bret wrote:
> Updated list:
> Day 1
> 1) Design Principles (30 minutes)
> 2) What is MVP and what is not (1 hour)
> 3) Versioning (1 hour)
> 4) Indicators (1 hour)
> 5) Observations (1 hour)
> 6) Sightings (1 hour)
> 7) Patterning (3 hours)
> Day 2
> 8) Basic CybOX objects, like the top 5-10 most commonly used ones (4 hours)
> 9) TTPs (3 hours)
> 10) Vendor Defined Fields and Objects (1 hour)
> 11) Incidents ???

Bret, that's a great list but it looks more like a week's worth of
work than what we can get through in two days' time. Given your
oft-repeated mantra of "running fewer topics to the ground rather than
touching lightly on many topics", to be realistic we should halve that

I suggest:

* Coffee, getting people settled, hooked up to wifi, etc (0:30)
* Design Principles (0:30)
* MVP definition (2:00)
* Vendor Defined Fields and Objects (1:00)
* Lunch break (1:00)
* Observations (2:00)
* Indicators (2:00)

* Coffee, getting people settled, hooked up to wifi, etc (0:30)
* Recap - close out any remaining open topics from Tuesday (however
  long it takes)

[with whatever time remains...]

* Patterning (4:00)
* Lunch break (1:00)
* Top 10 CybOX objects (4:00)
* Versioning (1:00)

I'll be chuffed if we manage to get through all that. I'd say we could
spend a day working through Sightings and Incidents. Let's punt on
that for next week.

Gary & Co, what are our time constraints with the facility? Could we
theoretically have a 06h start and work on through until midnight or
will we get kicked out of the building at 17h?

Trey Darley
Senior Security Engineer
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