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dita-adoption-fasc message

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Subject: dita.xml.org member record

I took some screen caps of the user records on the original site that may help Mark consider which if any of the fields may be useful to try to query over (or use outright--I think we should use the "slug" form ('don-day' for me) as well as the full name ('Don Day') and email, which our transforms should strive to capture in the future.

I'd be happy putting the essentials into the topics as a set of <othermeta name='user' content='don-day'/> type elements rather than generating the sometimes nested and irregular DITA fields, if even available (like, there's no email field, so we'd have to use othermeta for that anyway). And this usage fits will with the spirit of HTML5-conformant, lightweight templates and field-driven editors.

My member page:


The 2nd to last page of the 183 pages of users:


Don R. Day
Founding Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee
LinkedIn: donrday   Twitter: @donrday
About.me: Don R. Day   Skype: don.r.day
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Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"
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