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dita-adoption-help message

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Subject: DHTG - Topics to be covered

Greetings, colleagues!

I have created the shell of a "sign-up" page at:


where volunteers can put their names down to write a not currently covered
topic for the DITA Help Technologies Guide. 

So far, I have figured out that we need additional topics on:

* Using the Plus Plug-ins
* Creating Microsoft Help 3 Content
* Creating WebHelp with MadCap Flare
* A Help API for Web-based User Assistance
* Creating Adobe AIR Help with RoboHelp
* Using ditac to Publish to Help Formats
* Using DITA2Go to Publish to Help Formats

Can anyone think of any other topics that we need to add? If so, could you
please e-mail the list with your suggestion, or else update the table in the

If you are able to write one or more of these topics, could you please put
your name in the corresponding Volunteer column, so that we don't have any
duplication of effort.

I hope to chat more about this at this afternoon's meeting.


Tony Self 

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