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Subject: DITA Adoption TC Meeting Minutes -- 7 June 2010

Minutes for the DITA Adoption TC meeting
Committee meeting – 7 June 2010, 11 am to 12 am ET

Roll call – Gershon Joseph, JoAnn Hackos, Marc Speyer, Deb Bissantz, Frank Miller, Bruce Nevin, Troy Klukewich, Chris Goolsby, Briana Wherry.


Regrets from Paul Grosso, Joe Gelb, Donald Rohmer, Bryan Schnabel

Accept minutes from previous business meeting on 21 June 2010 – JoAnn proposed, Gershon seconded

Next mee
ting: 21 June 2010

Reviewed Open action items with these changes:

Close: Action item 0001 assigned to Brenda Oakley

Close: Action Item 0007 assigned to JoAnn Hackos

JoAnn will close Action item 0012 as soon as the PDF processes correctly.


1. ITEM: DITA 1.2 Architectural Spec Update

The DITA TC has voted to approve the DITA 1.2 specification. At present, the TC is working on changes to the format required by OASIS plus some additions to the content. These changes are expected to delay the scheduled OASIS voting process by one month.


2. ITEM: DITA 1.2 recognition. Urged Adoption TC members to add to the adoption list for DITA 1.2 features. At present, much of the adoption ideas are still under discussion at each company.


3. ITEM: The committee voted unanimously to approved the DITA 1.2 Feature Article: Task Model. Proposed by JoAnn; Seconded by Gershon. JoAnn will update according to the editorial changes from Gershon and will update KAVI, the home page, and dita.xml.org.


4. ITEM: Discussion of the Tools Awareness article begun by Su-Laine. Considered the feasibility of preparing such an article to be within the domain of the Adoption TC. All in agreement. Discussed a sequence of activities starting with this article on tools awareness, followed by a tools evaluation checklist (Gershon as responsibility), a test suite (possibly with Anna R), and, eventually, a certification body. Discussed that the certification body would have to be outside the control of the TC as an independent organization.

Marc volunteered to turn Su-Laine’s draft into a PDF for readability.


5. ITEM: Marc will update the KAVI standards list with Approved Doc for the domain feature article. Joe Gelb should do the same for his article. Tony S needs to add the revision note to his latest update.


Need to ask all authors to use the Replace function in KAVI rather than submitted their articles multiple times with versions. KAVI does provide us with version control. Gershon will ask Mary M if she can get someone to clean up the Calendar Docs list. We should not use Calendar doc for the feature articles. We should all use Standards Doc for the feature articles.


6. ITEM: Reviewed the list of feature articles. Troy K. will follow up with John H about the L&T feature article. JoAnn will pin Robin about the Machine Industry. Gershon and JoAnn will add their names to the “working without a CMS” 1.1 list.


Meeting adjourned at 9 am Pacific Standard Time.


JoAnn Hackos PhD


DITA Adoption TC







JoAnn Hackos PhD


Comtech Services, Inc.


Skype joannhackos





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