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Subject: REMINDER: DITA Adoption "Strengths" Analysis

Hi --

Thanks to those on both the DITA ATC and TC who have provided feedback. The deadline for feedback for this "Strengths" section of our SWOT Analaysis is this Sunday (08-30-2015).


Greetings all --
The Adoption TC is updating its SWOT (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats) analysis:
- https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita-adoption/DITA_Adoption_SWOT_Analysis
The first review is of "Strengths" list (below).
Two appeals for feedback by Sunday (08-30):
1. If you agree that an item below is a DITA strength, please provide a brief paragraph description and (ideally) links to other supporting resources.
2. Add other items that you consider to be strengths (again ideally with descriptions and links).
The DITA ATC will integrate feedback and update the site on a rolling basis, starting with "Strengths".
Many thanks in advance ...
* Significant body of research from MIT, IBM et. al. over many years resulted in DITA
* Minimalist, single source, reusable, cross-platform publishing workflow for structured content
* DITA enforces structured authoring for consistency and quality
* DITA offers a topic-based, rather than a book-based approached to authoring, encouraging reuse of content among multiple deliverables
* Separation of structure, content and presentation
* DITA Open Source Standard adopted by OASIS
* Continued support to open source community from IBM - structure & tool- kit
* Multiple XML grammars are available -- RelaxNG, DTD, and Schema
* Multiple options for specialization are available -- structural, constraints, shells, and domain vocabularies
* The toolkit approach provides a very flexible model for building all kinds of documentation systems, integrating with other XML technologies, e.g. XLIFF, MathML & SVG, and enabling dynamic content publishing & DITA based Wikis, for instance
* DITA Maturity Model - start off simple, expand as needed
* Adopted by many corporations, many of which also support community
* DITA resources abound! Cf. Brenda's & Kristen's recent resource lists.
* Because it is XML-based, DITA is easy to localize thereby helping to reduce translation costs and promote translation efficiency
* OASIS TC work in support of translations/localisations & broader business content semantics, e.g. XLIFF
* Expansion into learning and training, & other industry specific initiatives
* Supported by open source tools, tool vendors & consultants
* Protection from vendor lock-in
* DITA has achieved a huge mind-share in TA/TC communities
* DITA can support sharing content across entire industries - or at least vertically, between customers-companies-subcontractors
* Builds upon the benefits of the SGML architecture
* DITA Open Toolkit provides a standard for how DITA must be processed and ensures exchange with other content creators
* DITA editors available today are powerful and usable
* DITA enforces a level of consistency at the topic markup and map assembly levels that promotes quality information architecture
* DITA domain vocabularies for specific fields of writing immerse writers in that genre, whether it be tech comm, API, learning and training and so on.

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