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Subject: Agenda: DITA Adoption/TechComm - 10-26-2015

        DITA Adoption/TechComm SC Meeting Agenda 
     Meeting Number: 201240602 
     Meeting Password: ditatc 
     1. Go to https://cisco.webex.com/cisco/j.php?MTID=m8c33283eaac954cd8be7c2cb62abeae6
     2. Enter the meeting password: ditatc 
     3. Click 'Join Now'. 
     4. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen. 
     (866) 432-9903 for the San Jose/Milpitas area
     (866) 349-3520 for the RTP area. 
     To join the teleconference only:
     1. Dial into Cisco WebEx (view all Global Access Numbers at 
     2. Follow the prompts to enter the Meeting Number (listed above) or Access Code 
        followed by the # sign. 
REGRETS: Bob Thomas, Stan Doherty
Action Items 
Stan - Ping ChrisG about CSH whitepaper status
Stan - Ping Mark and Jennifer about L&T whitepaper status 
Stan - Update the whitepaper wiki table with a column 
       listing the names of TC reviewers 
JoAnn - Complete SWOT "Strengths" rewrites
Stan - Complete SWOT "Strengths" rewrites
Stan - Roll up the SWOT "Weaknesses" feedback 
       with the ATC discussion (09-28 meeting)
Don - Distribute a link to the 2001 "Status and Direction of 
      XML in Information Development in IBM DITA"
      > http://xml.coverpages.org/IBM-Easy2001-dita-1819.pdf 
A. Whitepapers and Plug-Ins
1. Release Management Excel Plug-in - post-demo updates? (Dave) 
2. Release management XQuery DITA-OT plug-in - test status? (Stan)
3. DITA 1.3 A-Z Whitepaper - status? (Keith)
4. Scoped keys whitepaper - posted and done! 
5. DITA 1.3 CSH whitepaper - status? (Chris)
6. Short description whitepaper - status? (Joe, Keith)
7. DITA 1.3 Learning and Training - status? (Mark Myers,
   Jennifer Gemmell)
8. Content Referencing Practices (Dawn Stevens;
9. XML mention - status?(Israel Gale)
10. XML mention - November/December? (Keith)
11. TC Report-out: DITA TC Reviewers for DITA ATC Whitepapers (Bob)
12. DITA TC Whitepapers: Reviewed by DITA Adoption TC ???
B. Discussions 
1. DITA SWOT — “Strengths” feedback rollup

   > JoAnn and Stan actvely writing paragraphs and 
     incorporating feedback
2. DITA SWOT — “Weaknesses” request for feedback
   > Processing feedback on SWOT items
   > Processing feedback on how to organize/categorize 
     the final information 
3. Discussion: DITA worst practices:
   > https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita-adoption/DITA_Worst_Practices

C. dita.xml.org
1. dita.xml.org Focus Area SC
   > Charter review?
2. Content triage (ongoing) the existing dita.xml.org content to determine
   whether articles there should be:
3. Submission and review policies:
   > Brainstorm?
   > Draft offline?
4. History of DITA:
   > Bob Doyle's article
   > D. Schell, M. Priestly, and D.Day ("Making IT Easy")
     - http://xml.coverpages.org/DITA-Openhouse2004Intro.ppt
   > http://xml.coverpages.org/IBM-Easy2001-dita-1819.pdf
D. Calendar
Fall        Webinar
           > JoAnn and Bob - Release management webinar
Nov 16+    CMS/DITA Europe:
           > JoAnn and Mark - Release Management presentation
Fall       Webinar
           > Don and DCL on Lightweight DITA
E. Administration
Meeting time - European/California alternations?

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