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Subject: Best Practices: Current PDF and some Incremental Edits

Hi --

I have re-attached the latest PDF from Monday (10/13) and a set of 
relatively light edits for:
- Chris
- Tony
- Dave
- Jeff
- Scott
I will post this PDF to the DHSC document library as a checkpoint.



PDF4/L19: help system -> Help system
PDF5/L9ff: Wondering whether the two points might be better 
  wrapped in a <UL>.
PDF6/L8: online help -> online Help 
PDF6/L9: online help -> online Help 
PDF7/4ff: non-critical consistency issue - terminate list
  items with a period if they are complete sentences?
PDF7/L14: online help -> online Help 
PDF8/L1: web applications -> Web application
PDF9/L8: online help -> online Help 

- context-sensitive Help -> Context-Sensitive Help
- ditamap (noun, not file extension) -> DITA map
PDF13/L11f: Tag should be <p> instead of <codeph>.
PDF13/L22f: Wrap indentity_ in a <msgph>?
PDF14/L7ff: Tag should be <p> instead of <codeph>.
PDF14/L10: Add author citation

- context-sensitive Help -> Context-Sensitive Help
- ditamap (noun, not file extension) -> DITA map
- help system -> Help system
- help context(s) -> Help context(s)
- help search expression(s) -> Help search expression(s)
- help keys -> Help keys
- help topic -> Help topic
PDF12/L29: agile -> Agile
PDF15/L16: Wrap <othermeta> in <msgph>??
PDF15/L17: Wrap plugin.xml in <msgph>??
PDF16/L30: Break line with a "\" line-continuation delimiter?
  Not a biggie. 
PDF19/L3: Add author citation

PDF19/L38: "unambiguous ownership or if" to "unambiguous ownership of" ??
PDF20/L14: Update xref attributes from
  <xref href="http://www.eclipse.org/documentation/";></xref> 
  <xref href="http://www.eclipse.org/documentation/";
   scope="external" format="html">
  FWIW: XMetaL complained about the scope of the xref, Oxygen did not.

Scott/AIR Help
- help deliverable -> Help deliverable
- help delivery -> Help delivery
- HTML-based help -> HTML-based Help
- help system -> Help system
PDF23/L19: command line -> command-line

PDF52/L12: ditamap -> DITA map
PDF52/L26: sub-directory -> subdirectory

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