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Subject: Minutes: DITA Learning Content SC - 10 August 2006

DITA Learning Content SC Meeting Minutes:
10 August 2006

Recorded by John Hunt

The DITA Learning Content SC had its first meeting on Thursday, August 10, 2006
for 60 minutes.

1. Roll call

JoAnn Hackos
Jennifer Linton
Scott Hudson
Bruce Esrig
Amber Swope
Robert Bernard
John Hunt, Chair

Chris Kravogel
Stanley Doherty

2. Welcome and introductory remarks from John Hunt, followed by introductions from members present.

3. Review and discussion of proposed subcommittee Charter, goals, and deliverables.
- General agreement in discussion about the charter and goals, including targeting SCORM standard.
- Concern expressed about need to get to technical implementation and level of support available.
- Issue raised about status of any specializations developed by this sub-committee. Agreed to discuss further and bring to TC as needed to clarify.

MOTION: To recommend to the TC that the SC approves the following Charter, Goals, and Deliverables. Motion seconded. Vote to approve the motion passed without any dissent.

The subcommittee has the following statement of initial goals:

1. Develop a general top-level design for structured, intent-based authoring of learning content with good learning architecture, following DITA principles and best practices. Such a design would build on past work on topic-based content, reusable learning objects, and the learning content types needed to support them. Some specifics of a DITA design for learning content include:

1. learning types, including assessments and exercises
2. a map domain for structuring and managing the learning types as reusable learning objects
3. linking, relationships, and simple sequencing
4. interactions
5. style policies for learning content
6. dynamic sequencing.

2. Establish guidelines that promote best practices for applying standard DITA approaches to learning content, which include:

1. separation of presentation and content (as much as possible)
2. separation of content and context
3. single sourcing, repurposing, and reuse.

3. Develop support for processing DITA for general delivery as learning and training, including print and presentation delivery to support instructor-led training (ILT), web delivery for distance learning, and computer-based training delivery in general.

4. Develop targeted support for processing DITA learning content for delivery with standards-based learning, specifically targeting SCORM and QTI. Specifically, extend DITA processing to support basic SCORM sequencing, interactions, and required SCORM LMS runtime behaviors. Leverage QTI behaviors to drive the interactions. Address the issue of "levels" from a simple implementation to full SCORM and beyond.

5. Build on existing DITA infrastructure (editors, CMS, transforms) as much as possible so learning content developers do not have to start from scratch.


Proposed initial work products for the subcommittee include the following:

Task 1: 1 month on review of structured designs for learning and how to apply DITA principles and best practices.

Task 2: 1 month on developing a top-level plan for map a DITA specialization for learning content, including identifying the learning types, map domains, content domains, and processing support needed to support the design.

Task 3: X months on developing DITA schemas and processing, and piloting and validating the top-level designs against sample content.

Task 4: 1 month on reviewing the pilot, writing and reviewing a progress report. Close this phase of the activity with a progress report to the TC, with recommended next steps.
4. Discussion about recruiting new members.
J. Hackos to contact people involved with Cisco learning objects designs about possible participation in this SC.
J. Hunt to follow up on contacts.

5. Planning next meetings
We agreed on weekly Thursday, 11-12 ET as regular meeting time, with next meeting scheduled for August 31.

-- Meeting adjourned at 12:00 noon ET --

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