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Subject: Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] Thoughts on a survey

Hi Michael (and all),

Thanks for starting this.I have a few notes and observations here as we prepare for Monday’s call.
- Do we want to collect any demographic information before getting into the core Lightweight DITA questions?
- For #1, how about instead of giving an external link we write  a concise (couple of paragraphs) definition of Lightweight DITA borrowing from your original blog post, our STC article, and the DITA NA presentations? I am happy to work on a draft of it and share. 
- For #2 and #3, do you mean we are providing the optional examples or we are expecting them to provide their examples?
- For #2 and #3, add translators to list.
- For #6, provide descriptions/definitions of each tag.
- For  #7, maybe use your example o

Attachment: eviasharpperez.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

f to-dos from the DITA NA slides to explain Lightweight DITA specialization.

After Monday’s call I can work on this with input from the SC. Like I mentioned before, this is very relevant to my current research project (expanding my analysis of DITA through Computational Thinking; IEEE paper published last fall attached to this message for information/entertainment of SC’s members who have not seen it), so I can put some time into it. And we can host it in Virginia Tech’s Qualtrics survey implementation.

Looking forward to Monday’s call.


Carlos Evia, Ph.D.
Director of Professional and Technical Writing
Associate Professor of Technical Communication
Department of English
Center for Human-Computer Interaction
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0112

On Jun 20, 2016, at 4:11 PM, Michael Priestley <mpriestl@ca.ibm.com> wrote:

How about this for dita-users:

1 - link to overview/description of lightweight DITA for them to review first

2 - Which of the following authoring roles are creating DITA today in your organization?
(multiple-select list, option to provide example url for each one selected, option to provide examples of content types for each one selected)
- Designers
- Developers
- Marketing authors

- Salespeople
- Product documentation authors

- Embedded assistance authors
- Trainers
- Support
- Subject experts

- Internal policy/procedure authors
- Other

3 - Which content areas are you considering Lightweight DITA for?
(same list as above, with same options)

4 - What source formats are important for your use of LW DITA?
Other (write-in)

5 - What delivery formats are important for your use of LW DITA?
Other (write-in)

6 - Is anything missing from the following list of block-level elements in LW DITA?
[write-in field after showing the above]

7 - If you are planning to specialize, which of the following capabilities are must-haves?
- nesting div structures for deep containment specializations
- base attribute for arbitrary attribute definition
- multiple-level specialization (ability to specialize off other specializations, not just topic)

8 - Which of the following benefits/features of LW DITA matter to you?
- Simpler XML authoring
- HTML5 authoring
- Markdown authoring
- Easier specialization
- Easier tools development
- Cross-silo content sharing
- Cross-silo tool sharing
- Other (write-in)

9 - is it ok to contact you for followup?
email address

Michael Priestley, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM)
Enterprise Content Technology Strategist

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