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Subject: RE: [dita-lightweight-dita] (Not so) silly question about acronym

Title: RE: [dita-lightweight-dita] (Not so) silly question about acronym

This stuff is always "(Not so) silly".

I remember going on 20 years ago a discussion thread in the "SGML for the Web" committee at W3C called "Naming the baby". Backronyms like FINCH always have appeal, but rarely are anything but clunky. Can you imagine if the new spawn of the markup community in 1997 had been called MAGMA? That was one of the actual possibilities on the table, with a meaning filled in and everything. (Hmm, now why does that one stick in my head?) Thank goodness James Clark came up with "XML". At least I think it was James. Every other possibility effectively vanished from consideration within seconds of that idea.

Anyway, I have no stake in this matter, but FWIW the name I've had in my own head ever since this all started is not on Mark's list: LWDITA.

Tom Magliery
JustSystems Canada, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: dita-lightweight-dita@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of Mark Giffin
Sent: Wed 6/29/2016 10:14 AM
To: dita-lightweight-dita@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] (Not so) silly question about acronym

I have been using "LW DITA" (no hyphen) as a shorthand. I personally don't like the hyphen in "LW-DITA". But I do think it's a good idea to have an official short version, thanks for bringing this up Carlos. I would follow what we decide on. I think it's something we should use consistently in "official" subcommittee communications like the upcoming spec. It's a branding thing that can cut down on confusion.

For the record, our official OASIS subcommittee name is "Lightweight DITA Subcommittee".

Here are some names I wrote down a while ago when we were discussing this. Like Carlos, my first choice was always FINCH.

    Lightweight DITA
    DITA Lite
    DITA Light
    FINCH - Fully Intelligent New Content Hierarchy

Mark Giffin
Mark Giffin Consulting, Inc.

On 6/29/2016 9:49 AM, Scott Hudson wrote:

        We could get all Marketing-like and call it "DITA Light" or "DITA Lite" or lDITA.






        From: dita-lightweight-dita@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:dita-lightweight-dita@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Don Day
        Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 10:46 AM
        To: dita-lightweight-dita@lists.oasis-open.org
        Subject: Re: [dita-lightweight-dita] (Not so) silly question about acronym


        I admit that I use "lwd-" as a concise, namespace prefix for many of my test materials and folders, and I've been the person using LwD as finger-saving acronym in my communications. I could see using LW-DITA in more formal OASIS versions down the road, but that is still too many keystrokes for chats and notes for now, in my opinion. I see it as a development vs branding issue.


        On 6/29/2016 11:35 AM, Carlos Evia wrote:

                Dear Lightweight DITA SC people,


                As I work on my current writing project (which is, surprise, about Lightweight DITA), I wonder if we have an "official" acronym. Some of us use LwD, and others do LW-DITA. We also had, briefly, hopes on FINCH, but that puppy died shortly after the DITA NA conference in Chicago last year.

                So. is there an official acronym? Do we need one?







                Carlos Evia, Ph.D.

                Director of Professional and Technical Writing

                Associate Professor of Technical Communication

                Department of English

                Center for Human-Computer Interaction

                Virginia Tech

                Blacksburg, VA 24061-0112









        Don R. Day <mailto:donday@donrday.com>
        Founding Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee (current version: DITA 1.3 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__docs.oasis-2Dopen.org_dita_dita_v1.3_os_part0-2Doverview_dita-2Dv1.3-2Dos-2Dpart0-2Doverview.html&d=CwMDaQ&c=P3aKjizb3qsxp0SERaL2sw&r=YQWdLfM9mekBOdoMmoBdn9RgyqIHrveGolBbb4_uGWQ&m=dVbw1VFO4GPgRThUb1yMI6PeIJ1n55JXpkct3pi0l-g&s=Nq3bTZPp6SiGDD8YVF8p7v_9oxjOJgvVz9qfSC-x3q0&e=> )
        LinkedIn: donrday <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.linkedin.com_in_donrday&d=CwMDaQ&c=P3aKjizb3qsxp0SERaL2sw&r=YQWdLfM9mekBOdoMmoBdn9RgyqIHrveGolBbb4_uGWQ&m=dVbw1VFO4GPgRThUb1yMI6PeIJ1n55JXpkct3pi0l-g&s=2HWJcu2jx6rNvSI2OJe8ewTG1cuquSFKD3E65sQrYVk&e=>    Twitter: @donrday <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__twitter.com_in_donrday&d=CwMDaQ&c=P3aKjizb3qsxp0SERaL2sw&r=YQWdLfM9mekBOdoMmoBdn9RgyqIHrveGolBbb4_uGWQ&m=dVbw1VFO4GPgRThUb1yMI6PeIJ1n55JXpkct3pi0l-g&s=llw8donu-53N1cWWxlJcWV5QCshS84SyZsouuErwtu4&e=>
        About.me: Don R. Day <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__about.me_donrday&d=CwMDaQ&c=P3aKjizb3qsxp0SERaL2sw&r=YQWdLfM9mekBOdoMmoBdn9RgyqIHrveGolBbb4_uGWQ&m=dVbw1VFO4GPgRThUb1yMI6PeIJ1n55JXpkct3pi0l-g&s=hf7B5x2MPokUeBIq-uK-X_9n5bK60YptkOzvI2SJpEY&e=>    Skype: don.r.day

        "Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
        Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"
        --T.S. Eliot



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