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dita-machine-industry message

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Subject: Goodbye, see you elsewhere

Hi guys & gals,

Even though this SC is more or less disfunctional since a long time and I do not see it reviving in the foreseeable future, I still thought it would be the decent thing to do to send you a goodbye note.

My OASIS membership will end next month and I have decided not to renew anymore. I have been slightly disappointed in the bureaucracy of the organization, which in my view stifles a lot of good creative energy of volunteers who are self-employed like myself. I simply cannot make the business case for this, not if I have to pay a subscription and put in a lot of time to end up with almost nothing in the end. There have to be better ways than this to reach a standard that everyone is going to use.

I will of course run into most of you on a regular basis and I am always interested in discussing stuff about DITA and elements required for the Machine Industry. If you get the group in active mode again, feel free to ask for my input outside of the OASIS realm.

Ciao for now. See you elsewhere


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