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dita-techcomm message

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Subject: Notes - 01-20-2014 Meeting

Attendees: Stan, JoAnn, Bob, Tom, Dave
Regrets: Jane

A. Administration
    1. SC Meeting Schedule: Collectvely we figired out how to create a recurring 
       calendar for our SC meetings that appeared in the OASIS calendar tools.
    2. JoAnn reported that her efforts to update our SC info re: Stan being
        co-chair did not go well. That information is getting pulled into our
        SC pages from a roster or member's directory somewhere.
        - AI/Stan to poke around a bit as well.

B. DITA 1.3 Feature Wrap-Up
    1. Troubleshooting: Bob reported that he has completed his updates 
        to the Troubleshooting topic and posted the updates to the TC site.
C. CY2014 Planning
     1. LinkedIn DITA 1.4 Issues/Requirements Gathering
        JoAnn shared with the SC that she had initiated a DITA 1.4 LinkedIn
        forum for generate interest in possible DITA 1.4 Tech Comm features
        and issues. 
        > Planning for DITA 1.4 and Beyond
        > http://www.linkedin.com/groups/DITA-Awareness-Group-162465
        AI/SC Members - Consider joining the group and participating.
     2. Invitations to Local Companies
        SC members discussed ways to involve our respectively
        local DITA companies in the process of developing requirements
        and identifying relevant SC issues. Members should contact  
        local companies to determine whether they would be willing 
        to particulate in SC discussions/meetings about their
        current experiences and future needs. 
        AI/SC - Put feelers out to local companies and report back.
     3. CMS/DITA North America Conference
        JoAnn agreed that it would be a good idea to organize some 
        sort of discussion or panel at the upcoming conference on
        this same thread.
     4. Choicetable issues
        Bob will look into cross-posting his discussion about choicetable
        issues to the DITA Awareness group (see above).
        AI/Bob - Post the choicetable discussion to the group.
     5. DITA 1.3 Feature Articles for Adoption
        JoAnn suggested that Tom abd Bob  consider doing a DITA 1.3
        feature article for the Adoption group.
        Bob - sounds good
        Tom - sounds good pending discussions with management about
            the scope of his new role.  
        AI/Stan - Contact the Help SC to solicit similar participation
        for their Help features.
     6. Information modeling - to assist in Enterprise-wide adoption of DITA
        a. Policy-based writing 
           Bob suggested that the SC look more closely at modeling
           policy-based information in DITA.
        b. Semiconductor industry PLC
           JoAnn noted that the semiconductor industry had, similarly,
           many design documents and test documents that needed to be
           modeled into some more coherent collection -- ideally in 
           > There may be very nice requirements specialization in 
            there somewhere. 
        c. Agile/scrum specializations
           Stan noted that there was sufficient commonality in the 
           types of planning and deliver documents on scrum teams to 
           warrant investigation.
           > The challenges in Agile/Scrum tend to be in the lack of
             standardized planning frameworks across scrum organizations,
             e.g. jira, Greenhopper, etc.. The tools for achieving
             team collaboration get in the way of standardization 
             and identifying common denominators.
           > Focusing on best practices that sit above particular tool 
             chains may yield better results.
        7. DITA Editor (lightweight)
           Bob suggested that we keep an eye out for ongoing developments
           coming out of a team in China re: a lightweight DITA editor.
        8. Lightweight DITA
           The SC agreed that it should continue to review options 
           in progress for Lightweight DITA.
           > Michael Priestley has a proposed implementation for 
             post-DITA 1.3.
           > Bob has demonstrated a constraint-based implementation 
             that has the advantage of not breaking compatibility
             with DITA 1.3.

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