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Subject: Minutes March 8, 2005 regular meeting

Major discussion points and decisions.


0. Minute-taker volunteer
Bruce Esrig

1. Roll call (introduce new prospectives)

2. Review/approve minutes from 8 February
Approved by consensus.

3. Review comments thus far:
  (Note new Language spec version with context links)
  Lang Ref: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200503/msg00007.html
  Arch Spec: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/200503/msg00002.html
Language reference (audience: architectural and tool implementers).
 - How to organize entries. Roughly match DITA toolkit. Module-oriented
plus additional containers inside topic.
 - Attribute list for specialized elements. Redundant. Will provide links
 - Example for a whole tree of elements. Redundant. Will provide links in
 - Examples. Present source before output.
 - Attribute definition. Sometimes redundant. When common, link to the
common definition, even if the dtd/schema files don't have a special name
for the commonal definition.
 - Other editorial remarks non-controversial. Under Michael's editorial
purview. Bug reports separate.
 - Ancestry map. Will try to generate per element from class attribute
default values for now.
 - Fragments. Maps and topics are stored separately. Conref enables
incorporation of the contents of an element from within another context
(map or topic).

Architecture specification.
 - Get comments to Michael in the next day or two. Fresh readers welcome.

4. File naming recommendation for DTD/Schemas
File name changes not required by OASIS.
Will rename to eliminate underscores.
Concrete proposal will be created on the list.

5. 1.1 requirements
  Define a process
  (need volunteer to find mentions of "post 1.0" deferred items in minutes)
  (rank by priority and difficulty) solid things for 1.1; medium effort
  work candidates for 1.2; big items for 2.0
Mary McRae: how to move committee draft into member review.
Need TC meeting on 3/15, responses to comments, 3 attestations of use, IPR
Posted 1st of the month, ballots open on the 16th of the month.
TC looks at any no votes and decides whether to return to committee draft.

6. Migration discussion: looking ahead for current users.

7. AOB?
Invitation to dinner at CIDM Content Management Strategies conference
Tuesday evening 12 April 2004.
To be followed by open Q&A.

 - Michael Priestly will update drafts, take inputs.
 - Next Tuesday, we'll have a draft as finished as can be for reviews as of
that date.

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