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Subject: Reminder for voting members to vote on the two ballots ...

Currently the following people need to cast their votes:


Michael Priestley

Deb Bissantz

Su-Laine Yeo

Stan Doherty

Dave Helfinstine


To find the link to cast your ballots (these are individual-specific), search your e-mail from yesterday for mail with the following subjects:


·         Groups - oasis - New ballot "Approve DITA v1.2 as a Committee   Specification"

·         Groups - oasis - New ballot "Submit DITA v1.2 for OASIS Standard Vote"

I’ve also sent Mary McRae e-mail letting her know that JoAnn Hackos and Gershon Joseph need to be included on these ballots.

Best regards,


Kristen James Eberlein l DITA Architect and Technical Specialist l SDL Structured Content Technologies Division l (t) + 1 (919) 682-2290 l keberlein@sdl.com


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