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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 19 Nov 2013 uploaded

Submitter's message
Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Recorded by N. Harrison

regrets: Dick Hamilton, Eliot Kimber, Tom Magliery, Chris Nitchie, Adrian Warman

Standing Business
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00099.html (12 November, Nancy Harrison)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Joann, approved by TC

Subcommittee Reports
none (TechComm SC: 3 December)


1. TC roles in 2014 (Day)
Don will be re-activating the DITA for the Web SC and moving his focus there; he is therefore resigning as chair, formally in Jan. 2014 timeframe, effectively now. He'll be available for admin support as needed.

2. DITA 1.3 progress
Progress: 11-17 November 2013: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00124.html
Status of proposals in progress and in review: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00144.html (Updated 19 November 2013)
Trello Board: https://trello.com/b/gPKH0OcF
Kris reviewed status; one proposal withdrawn (vocabulary for publishing); 1397 (troubleshooting) and 13106 (L&T Q&A) are in review, 3 entered discussion. RNG is soon to be in review. Kris asked Robert to 'pester' Michael on 13121, since 13097 is hanging on it.
Robert; in re: 13060 (enhanced resourceid), the proposal still doesn't include the 'data' element in resourceid, even though the stage 2 discussions determined that it was necessary to add that to the content model. Kris asked reviewers and owners to be sure to check the stage 2 minutes associated with each proposal - a link to that discussion is a required part of the stage 3 proposal - to make sure all stage 2 discussion is reflected in stage 3 version.

3. DITA 1.3 proposals, stage 3

- @Rev marking for stage 3 proposals
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00113.html (Eberlein, 16 November 2013)

- Questions and requests for reviewers:

- Ready for vote: Voting options are "Yes," "No," and "Abstain"

Proposal 13103: Print attribute replacement (Kimber; Reviewers: Nancy Harrison, Deb Bissantz)
Kris moved the proposal, Don 2nded, approved unanimously by TC

Yes votes: Anderson, Bissantz, Day, Eberlein, Hackos, Harrison, Helfinstine, Hudson

- Ready for discussion:
Proposal 13102: Release management (Cihak; Reviewers: Don Day, David Helfinstine, Bob Thomas, Joann Hackos)
Toc Cihak gave an overview; this is the addition of a release mgmt domain, with the main element called 'changehistorylist', based on the bookmap 'bookchangehistory' element, but somewhat simplified; all of its children are specialized from 'data'.
Joann and Bob Thomas noted that they both reviewed the proposal and found it satisfactory.
Kris checked to make sure that the new topic called out in the proposal as necessary is actually included in the body of the proposal; Tom pointed to its location in the proposal.
Resolution: TC will vote on this next week.

Proposal 13001: Same topic URI reference syntax (Helfinstine; Reviewers: Deb Bissantz, Dick Hamilton, Eliot Kimber)
David gave the overview; this is a simple change in syntax, from using an explicit topicID after # (meaning in same file), to using '#.' to mean a reference within the same topic as the referencing element. There are issues related to referencing something from within a conref'd item; Eliot has proposaed a way to resolve that, which is reflected in the current proposal. (In any case, it's not a good idea to sref within a conref if you can avoid it.)
Robert hadn't had a chance to reiew it yet, but will do so this week.
Resolution: TC will vote on this next week.

Proposal 13059: New mechanism for overriding default cascading rules for metadata (Anderson; Reviewers: Kris Eberlein, David Helfinstine)
Robert gave an overview; this adds a new attribute - @cascade - to 'topicref' and similar elements in maps. It defines 2 values, either merge or no-merge, to allow authors to make explicit decisions about whether metadata attributes such as @platform or @audience cascade. There was some question during stage 2 discussion as to whether we should define other tokens to allow processors to do even more complex things, but TC decided that wasn't necessary. Processors can use their own tokens to extend the functionality if users want that, but it makes for too much complexity for average user.
Kris; at stage 2, there was also some discussion of applying this to relatedlinks, linkpool, etc., but that was also removed.
Resolution: TC will vote on this next week.

Proposal 13119: SVG Domain (Kimber; Reviewers: Nancy Harrison, Deb Bissantz)
Kris gave a very brief overview in Eliot's absence; we've discussed this before, at that time the only problem was necessary additions to spec content. Eliot's now resolved that issue.
Resolution: TC will vote on this next week.

Proposal 13035: XML mention domain (Kimber; Reviewers: Tom Magliery, David Helfinstine)
Kris gave a brief overview in Eliot's absence. We had a long discussion on this last week; in response, Eliot removed a number of the syntax elements, and also created a base domain/element from which he specialized the others.
extra complexity and created base domain. If no comments/concerns?
Joann still had some concern about the residual complexity, but agreed that it was the best we could do; she did suggest that it would be tremendously helpful to have a n article written on creating shell models to simplify DITA usage.
Kris brought up the question of which DITA package this domain should be a part of; Robert suggested the the tech. content package was the appropriate place, not the least because that's the package the TC uses to create the spec itself, and this is really useful for the spec.
Resolution: TC will vote on this next week.

4. New item: "Same Topic Reference and Conrefs and Scoped Keys"
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00081.html (Kimber, 13 November 2013)
Hold for a meeting at which Eliot is present

5. New item: @name on 'audience'
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201311/msg00143.html (Anderson, 19 November 2013)
Robert, while doing prototype work for the 1.3 spec, noticed that @name is listed in the spec as required, but it's never been implemented that way in the code. Technically, 'the spec rules all' but the DTD's never have made it required, and users haven't treated it as such. He suggested that we call it an error in the spec and just change the spec.
There was general agreement on the TC to do this.
Resolution; 1.3 arch. spec will be modified to make @name on 'audience' optional instead of required

6. DITA 1.3 infrastructure

closed at 11:50

-- Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 19 Nov 2013

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Submitter: Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2013-11-19 09:49:05

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