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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 28 January 2014 uploaded

Submitter's message
Action Items:
1. Kris will sent email to Deb and Joann to see if a report from the Adoption TC next week is appropriate
2. Robert will respond to Debbie Gale's mail on section titles on the DITA comment list
3. We need to clarify the spec on section title issue
4. TomM will respond to 'any number of element' mail by David Blyth on DITA comment list.
5. Kris will add OASIS XML Catalog 1.0 as a non-normative reference in the spec.
6. Kris will come up with 1.3 schedules for this year.

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Recorded by N. Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

regrets: Hamilton, Kimber?, Hackos

Standing Business
Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201401/msg00075.html (21 January, Nancy Harrison)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Don, approved by TC
[need to make kris's correction]

Subcommittee Reports
none- hear from adoption TC next week?
Deb; we met yesterday, not sure if we have much to share,
Kris will sent email to Deb and Joann to see if a report next week is appropriate


1. DITA 1.3 progress
no updates
Trello board: https://trello.com/b/gPKH0OcF

2. e-mail from dita-comment list
- Section titles
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita-comment/201401/msg00005.html (Debbie Gale, 16 January 2014)
- DTD allows multiple 'title' elements in sections, but the spec suggests just one
Robert; because we allow text, allows anything, can't be helped.
Kris; who will respond to debbie
Robert; I will
AI; Robert will respond to this on the comment list
AI; need to clarify the spec

- Any number of elements
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita-comment/201401/msg00006.html (David Blyth, 24 January 2014)
We need to have a clearer vocabulary in the spec in regard to the term 'anynumber ofelements'; does it refer to '0 or more' or '1 or more'?
BobT; I always thought of it as '0 or more.'
Don; I stand on the 'any number' side; the original decision was to use 'non XML terminology.
Kris; we have other fish to fry. Eliot has already responded and David is ok with that response
TomM; I will also respond, on behalf of XMetal

3. New item: Adding OASIS XML Catalog 1.0 as a non-normative reference
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201401/msg00053.html (Day, 22 January 2014)
Kris; is there any reason we don't list it?
Robert; No, no reason, we probably should
AI; Kris will add it to non-normative reference list

4. New item: Spec pages affected by change in constraints/conref language
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201401/msg00009.html (Priestley, 14 January 2014)
[on hold till Michael and Joann are present]

5. New item: Changes to content model for XML mention domain
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201401/msg00079.html (Eberlein, 28 January 2014)
The mail notes that the new content model makes for nonsense; it allows you to put UI terms, or XML attributes within an XML element and then, e.g., a namespace inside that. The proposal is to remove that kind of thing from the model.
Robert; we only have the option of caring about new elements, and 'keyword' is new in this context.
Chris; one reservation is that specialization of, e.g., 'keyword' doesn't make sense in the spec, but there might be examples where it does.
Kris; that's the case if we're only touching the XML domain and not the markup domain
Chris; there might be cases where 'keyword' represents more than one thing...
Robert if they have something from ph, would be able to next xmlelement, but not from keyword
Don; what about Eliot's opinion on this, since it's his proposal?
Robert; in mail, Eliot seemed happy to change this
Don; 'the DITA law of unintended consequences'...

6. DITA 1.3 infrastructure and editorial work:
- Review tool
Report back from small group (Kris, Bob, Joann, Tom, Jim Tivy, Nancy) and their recommendation
- Don gave summary; tools were HARP (developed by Oberon, demonstated by ChrisN) still in development and DITAWeb (demonstrated by Mark Posten). Main difference noted was that HARP has some number-crunching behind it, while DITAWeb has a bit more CMS-like behavior, and allows the ability to manage workflow, pull reports; comments came from varius folks, especially TomM
Tom; there are essential diffs; but either would have been suitable. one great thing about HARP was its ability to follow links back to the originating topic, that feature isn't in DITAWeb, I'll write up my notes and send around.
Kris; I wish we could use both, but that wouldn't make sense, if we use DITAWeb for 1.3, maybe we could use HARP for 2.0. DITAWeb lets you view rewiewers comments nested inline
Tom; DITAWeb also allows for different types of comments
Nancy; DITAWeb also gives a view of SVN metadata associated with particular comments
Kris; we'll move forward with DITAWeb
Tom; all the people who'd worked on DITA 1.2, said these tools would have been night and day from what was done.
Kris; fyi, that was a really evil process...
Chris; I appreciate feedback and kind words about HARP

- RelaxNG --> DTD and XSD tool
Progress on development
hold till Eliot is on the call

- Report about editors' meeting on 27 January

- Ways to implement the XML mention domain
Kris and Robert discussed this; idea is to focus on XML mention domain; where we want to use them; originally, the consensus was to use them everywhere, control appearance with stylesheets, use of eref; would give potential of hyperlinking within document.
Robert; but that would make for a huge number of links. Also, there's almost no possibility we'll catch all the appropriate terms for 1.3; they're currently marked up in many diff ways, so well not find them all. And we might end up marking up terms when they're not actually in the context as xml elements.
Same thing with xmlattributes, does 'mark them up everywhere' = 'mark up as appropriate'; there's lots of inconsistency with short descriptions in the language reference topics, which shows up when you look at parent topics.
Robert; we'll put up a wiki page with guidelines on how do do short desc's
Kris; Robert and I both thought that doing something as radical as using the XML mention domain and using keyref would be a problem; some people would hate it, some would love it.
Robert; i've used specs like that; it can be useful, but also overwhelming.
Kris; given DITA's ability to handle links thru reltables, we might eventually want to add markup to all instances, but we definitely can't do it for 1.3
Robert; we might introduce a new inconsistency if we try to do this for 1.3
Kris; the issue is priority and business value; implementation of XML mention domain is not on 'must-have' list, only nice to have. since spec is republished by lots of folks (vendors), have to parse between what's in spec source, and what's done with our stylesheets; re-publishers may/will change the stylesheets. that also applies to implementing key-based addressing thruout the spec; some places it's really necessary, other places not so.
Robert; haven't come up with a backlog list of spec change requests; if it's not doable, it doesn't go on the list.
Kris; we should start a wiki page and put these on it, with decisions
Robert, yeah
Kris; one other thing, if we're going to try and implement xmlmention thruoput topics. possibility of having help for Kris/Robert to do that
Tom; i would volounteer to help with that.
Robert; it's tricky, and any help will be appreciated.
Kris; any other thoughts?

Deb; can you give us a recap of our schedule , and how we're doing on our timeline?
Kris; we're currently working on our schedule for next TC mtg; it would be built with the aim of releasing 1.3 in December. That means all mods to spec have to be in by May, including all TC reviews by TC by May. (may beg? may end? not sure). Also, need our XML grammar files done; we expected Eliot to have conversion (RNG->DTD/XSD) completed by Jan end, but we don't know now whether that will be the case.
Robert; our sense is that DTD gneration is almost complete; Eliot has a list of items to take care of, but they're minor. While he hasn't mentioned any progress on generating XSDs (so that's still not done), DTD generation is much harder than XSD generation.
Kris; as soon as we have a set of DTDs, we can make them available for review and comment
Kris; please expect a storm of scheduling later this week, we'll discuss next week.

7. DITA 1.3 proposal process: Lessons learned
What worked well?
What didn't work?
How can we improve the process in the future?
this is on as a placeholder, if folks have any additional comments?

meeting closed at 11:50

-- Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 28 January 2014

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Submitter: Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2014-02-04 03:49:28

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