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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 16 June 2015 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. Nancy to review Adoption TC release mgmt. article

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Recorded by Nancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Regrets: David Helfinstine

Standing Business
Approve minutes from previous business meetings:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201506/msg00103.html (Nancy Harrison, 9 June 2015)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Eliot, approved by TC

Subcommittee Reports


1. Action items
Action items from 12 May 2015
Eliot: Update grammar files to include sections for domain and structural constraints (Completed)
Action items from 19 May 2015
Kris: Work with Chris, Eliot, and Robert to develop wording re key scopes within subjectScheme
Action items from 2 June 2015
Nancy & Tom: Meet about packaging (Completed)
Kris & Bob: Work on file renaming for build (In progress)
Action items from 9 June 2015:
Eliot: Add OASIS comments to certain grammar files (Completed)
Tom: E-mail to list about the formal name for "biggest" edition; drive decision (Completed)
Kris; all open ActionItems were closed except for my subjectScheme one from May 19

2. Targeted reviews progress: January - June 2015
Schedule for targeted reviews:
8-15 June: Coding requirements (35 pages -- CLOSED
8-15 June: Linking and conformance (4 pages) -- CLOSED; editorial work completed; review and comments archived
11-17 June: Branch filtering #2 (4.5 pages + examples)
Robert; the linking & conformance review closed last night; Kris has already handled all of those comments; I'm going thru conformance this morning; there lots of comments on DTD & RNG topics, but none on XSD topics... Branch filtering review went up last week; we'd like it to get reviewed this week, now that we've gotten out the new version.
Kris; re: branch filtering. We did a major review in April; there were a lot of comments that showed people really couldn't understand the material. In response, Robert has totally rewritten, reorganized content to be more modular. added examples. The review stays up thru tomorrow; please take a look at it.

3. Continuing item: Review of Adoption TC article about "Release management domain"
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201506/msg00061.html (Thomas, 8 June 2015)
Comments requested by 16 June 2015
Update from Stan and Bob about how many people have submitted comments
Kris; the Adoption TC had asked for comments by today. Have they gotten enough?
[Nancy volunteered to review today.]

4. Continuing item: Schedule for June 2015
Schedule for June 2015
Kris reviewed progress against the schedule; we are making progress, but need to keep it up.

5. Continuing item: Packages for DITA 1.3 (Harrison and Magliery; Eberlein)
Update from Tom, Nancy, and Kris
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201506/msg00177.html (Eberlein, 16 June 2015)
Tom; we'd come to a decision on naming the 'kitchen sink' package; the consensus is to call it the 'all-inclusive' edition.
Nancy; we're now working on what to do for comver pages for each edition, givn some serious constraints set on us by OASIS.
Kris; let's look at the webex session to look at what's happening...
[Kris presented Tom's diagrams to go with each edition, to go in introductory material. Oasis has given us a choice between two models of delivery
1. we name the different editions starting with the string 'part_', with a 'part_0' being the landing page and consiting only of an introduction to the 3 editions, with links to the anlding pages for each edition linked to in the 'Additional artifacts' section.
2. if we want to not have things called 'part_*', we need to give up the idea of packages and just ship one huge file set. Problem with this is that folks will end up with one huge file set and not know how to break it up.
We really need to package this release in a more modular way than we did for 1.2, so Kris, Tom, and Nancy recommend using the 'part_' naming scheme.

Kris; the issue is with what OASIS is allowing us to use; only choices are between 'part' and no-part; but where people go directly to spec without knowing what to download.
Michael; let's make the decision point earlier; people were already mad at us; the new scheme can't possibly be worse, and it might be better.
Kris; I think most people will grab the TechContent edition.
Michael; it's possible that if you're in mktg or support, you might choose the 'base'; might choose techContent, anything but L&T.
Tom; but the easiest thing for those folks is to start off with concept/task/ref.
Kris; the key question is: what is in what edition? see next agenda item...

6. New item: Which stuff goes in what edition?
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201506/msg00169.html (Magliery, 15 June 2015)
[continuing discussion from previous agenda item]
Eliot; I think subjectScheme (SS) should be in base; there's nothing of techcontent in SS at all.
Robert; I agree.
Joann; will people think a 'base' edition is somehow easier to use?
Don; we want to talk about that; an implementor would probably want to start with 'base', to get their implementation working before making it more complex.
Don; also, [re: Eliot's comment above] SS may be part of base architecturally, but it's not part of 'base' from the point of view of a user. Are we looking at things from an architectural viewpoint, or from the user viewpoint?
Eliot; for example, classifymap in 1.2 only used base domains; in 1.3. it uses domains from techContent.
Robert; I think of SS as 'base', but classify does use the clasification domain.

[returning to packaging item]
Kris; it seems that the TC consensus is to go with 'parts' rather than one landing page? Is that the case?
[TC came to consensus on that pposition.]

11:59 ET Close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 16 June 2015

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2015-06-18 23:33:46

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