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Subject: Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 28 July 2015 uploaded

Submitter's message
1. Kris will correct the date (Aug 7 not Sept 5) on online calendar and agenda.

Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Recorded by Nancy Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting:

Regrets: Dick Hamilton

Standing Business
Approve minutes from previous business meetings:
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201507/msg00101.html (Nancy Harrison, 21 July 2015)
Proposed by Kris as amended by Nancy in response to Kris's comments, seconded by Keith, approved by TC

Subcommittee Reports


1. Action items
- Action items from 21 July 2015
Kris: Send e-mail to TC list about OASIS focus areas (Completed)
Kris: Add link to change log to the front page Agenda (Completed)
Stan: Drive resolution of dita-comment item about ux-priority.
[discussed Stan's item later in agenda]

2. Draft of Adoption TC white paper on scoped keys
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201507/msg00147.html (Eberlein, 28 July 2015)
Kris; Joann is looking for reviews only by Adoption TC members, not DITA TC members at this time.
Joann; for this article, we didn't realize we wanted it to be a tutorial, so we need to look at it first, then we'll pass it on to DITA TC for review as well.
Kris; I assumed from Leigh's note that it was ready for general review.

3. Continuing item: Closing inactive subcommittees
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201507/msg00058.html (Eberlein, 11 July 2015)
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201507/msg00146.html (Eberlein to Ensign, 28 July 2015)
Kris; I've pinged Chet again on when we'll have an OASIS open source repository.
[On hold until we hear back from Chet Ensign about OASIS Open Source projects ]

4. Comments received during the public review, 7 July - 7 August
Public review #1 comments
Link to change log: http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/dita/spec/dita-1.3-change-log.xlsx
Kris; no new comments this past week, another 10 days left for review. I've added a link to the change log.
ActionItem; Kris will correct the date (Aug 7 not Sept 5)

5. Continuing comment on dita-comment: Better explanation of @ux-source-priority
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita-comment/201507/msg00024.html (Julio Vazquez, 16 July 2015)
Stan; the issue is a description of the @ux-source-priority attribute; it appears two ways and the description needs to get resolved. I sent out mail to the relevant contributors. I haven't heard back from Tony Self; if I don't hear back from him by tonight, I'll do a quick rewrite and send it out tomorrow afternoon.
Kris; anything any other TC members can do to help? e.g., pull original proposal?
Stan; I linked to all the proposals and comments; it's all in there. I'll try to reach Tony again, but if not I'll do it myself.

6. Calendar for critical dates to enable DITA 1.3 to be released in 2015
Schedule: July - December 2015 (https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/ScheduleJuly-December2015)
Robert; first review ends soon; no comments came in last week, so I'm hoping folks are happy, not just storing up comments; Kris and I are responding to all comments
Kris; as reminder, on August 7, we'll ask Chet to schedule a special ballot for a 'TC vote' and you need to be in voting status at that point, so don't miss meetings between now and then. Also, as of Aug 24, we need to have our 'statements of use'; currently being worked up by Kris, Eliot, and Mekon.

7. Continuing item: Things we can do during the forthcoming public review
Wiki page for work items (https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/WorkItemsDuringReview1)
Kris; Bob, it would be a good time to coordinate with me and Robert so you can pull trigger on scripting work.
Bob; I can do that tomorrow; should take no more than 2 hrs
Kris; so after midnight tonight, we won't go into SVN until we hear from you.
Tom: worked on graphics, ran them by Nancy, got her OK, now working on other graphics (~12-13), have sent mail to list to get some clarification, expect I'll have several new graphics by end of week.
Kris; OK, what about white paper for why 3 editions?
Joann, we really need that, and Adoption TC is anxious to do an article on this.
Michael; why don't we call it "Why DITA wasn't really too complex or too big, but we're addressing the underlying issue that wasn't realised by critics" :-), which was easier and more targeted starting points for use, depending on how you're intending to use DITA...
Kris; and we're addressing what are really not valid measures of complexity (page count and number of elements) for base (base 1.3 spec is <500pp). Need to tell people "there are 3 editions, here are their audiences, here's their content and why you might want to use them"...
Joann; the number of elements reflects the number of problems people are trying to solve. The editions article needs to be not only an explanation of 3 editions, but of constraints and other mechanisms that show how they can use DITA to get what they want.
Robert; the thought is "we've always delivered one package, now we're delivering 3, with an overview; this is how to pick which one to use." Or "people had these problems, so we've broken it down, and here's how to pick the edition that's best for you."
Nancy; that material is already in the overview, but it's buried (as explicitly required by OASIS document requirement :-( ...).
Kris; has anyone heard any comments about the breakup into 3 editions?
Nancy; the biggest data point, as I see it, is which editions have been used by the people who have made comments on the spec; afaik, it's been mostly the tech-content edition.
Kris; not that many people made comments... But, they were on the tech content edition.

8. Continuing item: dita.xml.org
Continue discussion from 21 July 2015
Information about activity on ALL OASIS focus areas
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201507/msg00119.html (Eberlein, 24 July 2015)
More history about dita.xml.org
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201507/msg00120.html (Eberlein, 24 July 2015)
Excerpts from DITA TC minutes re dita.xml.org, 2014-2015
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/201507/msg00148.html (Eberlein, 28 July 2015)
Kris; I followed up last week's discusion with more info in mail sent to TC. joann, can you give a recap on what happened with dita.xml.org when it first went to the Adoption TC?
Joann; we did a major reorg of the site; we restructured, added new categories, introduced blogging, started pubishing feature articles, did monthly articles, and Bob Doyle did IT.
Kris; that was all before the Adoption TC era, that was part of the Editorial Board era. What ended up happening; people got discouraged that it was inundated with spam, we couldn't do anything about that; we struggled to get good content; that still is the real problem. I'm afraid we'll have the same problem even with the new site. We really don't want to have the same problems; this needs to be handled by more than one TC; DITA and Adoption. That's what we've done so far. now it's time to formalize how the 2 TCs will work together.
Joann; Adoption TC is trying to curate existing content - we need to have a more modest goal. a much more modest set of goals; we're hoping it could be managed by the community. I've asked Amber/Michael to update the Maturity Model; we have to make those decisions about what content is needed on the site.
Michael; what abaout blogs?
Joann; I talked to Mekon, but we haven't done anything about it
Kris; when we thought about it, blogs were included.
Michael; as someone who did blogs, I'd resist curating blogs.
Joann; if we know the people
Michael; so is the thought that there would be 'approved' blogs? so as to avoid marketing?
Kris; that becomes a key question for establishing policy for the new site. part of the challenge is 'figure out how to move forward while we make critical decisions; get things up and running so it can be run by Adoption TC, but without them having to take care of everything. The focus area is a huge task; we've got to get folks from both TCs and get new blood, or we'll end up in the same place.
Michael; part of Mekon's idea was for an 'expert' community, and that would extend beyond the OASIS community, we need to vet it, to avoid marketing. but we need to empower experts, once they've proved themselves.
Joann; like any site, we need to have 'approved' contributors.
Kris; we're talking about a policy of initial moderation, but then limited permissions once they become trusted.
Joann; that's exactly what a managed site would have in place. The issue is time; this would be more than a full-time job.
Kris; so we need to be savvy; we need a leader for the new effort, who doesn't share leadership post on a TC; and we need to get them to drive the ball for the next year, really go after smart engaged users who don't particuipate in committee work
Joann; or who can't afford to join OASIS...
Kris; I think finding someone to take it up, at first we're stuck within OASIS. one thing I can think of. There's still an Adoption TC focus area SC, with a bunch of folks in it; Mark Poston, Keith Schengli-Roberts, maybe we should try to re-energize that SC and get leadership from that SC.
Joann; that would be great, but the Adoption TC struggles with 4-5 people.
Kris; OASIS doesn't have very good methods for cooperation and coordination between 2 TCs. I think the best way may be to re-activate that SC; I've asked one person who's active in both if they can do it, but waiting for them to get their mgmt. approval.
Amber; I think we should all be talking to people about getting people to join these; the big issue is the cost of joining OASIS. So if we can find someone; can we do a push to participate without becoming OASIS members but participating in new website?
Kris; i think both TCs really want to have this site as a less formal mechanism for people to interact with the TCs.
Joann; I think this SC is the way to do that, but can we have a governing board of an OASIS-owned site that aren't OASIS members.
Robert; I thought governing board members would have to be OASIS members, but I'm trying to encourage participation on the site by non-OASIS members.
Kris; I think the governing body will have to come from OASIS, until OASIS policies change (as they might do with the open source effort). For now, it has to be governed by OASIS members.
Keith; I think any mechanism that would allow us to bring in non-OASIS members. would be good. [identified himself as 'mystery' candidate]
Don; thanks for sharing your interest, Keith.
Joann; I think Keith would be very good, I'd want to make sure he could handle it.
Keith; happy to be the 'happy medium'
Kris; i hope your mgmt. gives approval; I think you'd do an awesome job; Keith's currently on both TCs, but not on the leadership team on either; that would be ideal. If the site is being powered by DITAWeb, which mekon has put a lot of energy into making it work for us, we need to commit to this and put time/energy into it as well.

12:00 ET Close

-- Ms. Nancy Harrison
Document Name: DITA TC Meeting Minutes 28 July 2015

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Submitter: Ms. Nancy Harrison
Group: OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC
Folder: Meeting Notes
Date submitted: 2015-07-31 13:55:31

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